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"Hello whose there?" the gun shots and screams kept haunting the dark room "help me please i'm in here" suddenly i thought maybe its Victor he heard about my abduction and came to rescue me. At this stage i believe in everything nothing is surprising anymore. After a few more minutes the loud sounds in the hall stopped and the place was so quiet i swear you could hear a pin drop. I huddled up to the wall and hoped it wasn't another person who wanted to kill me. Then i heard the door swing open. A person about six foot tall walked into the room all i saw was there shadow in the dark room "Blair?" the stranger said it sounded like a girl and the voice was very familiar the shadow walked to the lamp in the middle of the room and switched it on then she turned back to face me "VERONICA?" i couldn't believe my eyes whats she doing here and how did she know where i am? She ran up towards me and started untying the strings "Blair i will explain everything to you later now we need to get out of here quickly before the guards figure out that were here." When she finished untying me we ran towards the moldy and rusty halls they were so dirty i was disgusted to have been there for so long. We finally reached the back window on the third floor "were going to have to jump from here all the doors are covered by security guards there is no other way" she explained i gave her a look. I could hear screeching noises coming from the hall so i ran forward and jumped out the window Veronica followed. On our way to the car i decided to question her i wasn't going to get through them all but i could at least get started "do you  know where Victor is?" i had to know "The principal is keeping him locked up in the basement of the school he knows you were in the other layer and he knows that Victor helped you get there and for that know he is getting punished for it i have been trying to help him but its not so easy he has cameras all around the school so i can get caught is well" i was so confused how does any of this make sense "and how are you involved in all of this?" i had so many questions and i had to ask them while i was getting answers "well you don't think i went to Yorkshire High for the fun do you there is three schools in all of Pennsylvanian with a secret layer to the other realm and this one has the most members of the council in it i am a guardian i have to keep an eye out to make sure all the members from the other realm are safe and if there not its my and hundreds of other guardians job to save them" I began to wonder if our whole friendship was based on this "So for this long were you just my best friend so you could keep an eye on me? when did you know i am also apart of the other realm?" "well i knew way before i met you i know all the members before they know they are a member because i have to protect them but i didn't just make friends with you because of that i have always really cared about you and i truly am your friend but i'm also your lookout i see you as my little sister and nothing can change that" for the next few minutes i sat there quietly thinking to myself, i questioned everything Veronica ever told me."We need to save Victor" i seriously stated "I agree but how?" Veronica stated "the principal is one of the powerful members on the council there is no way past him and his monsters" i sat there thinking for a while "i don't know how but we have to do it tomorrow i will think about it over night and i will call you tomorrow i need to sleep on this.

I came out of the car and walked up to my bedroom it was time for the sun to rise. I walked up the stairs and then down the hall to my room. I opened the door and tiptoed to my bed then suddenly the lamp switched on behind me. I turned to face the angry woman sitting in my stool "Mom? what are you doing here? why aren't you asleep?" she got up off the stool and walked up in front of me "Blair where have you been? and why is your dress all thorn? what happened to you? i thought you were sick where did you go? I have been sitting here for hours" i saw the frustration in her eyes and i knew i had to come up with a good lie and fast " Em well when i left to come up to my room i felt sick on the way so i decided to go to the bathroom and while i was going up the stairs i slipped and fell back and that's why i'm all torn i have been in the bathroom trying to get myself back to normal for ages i'm sorry mom." her face dropped to a pitiful and worried look "well are you alright does anything hurt? why didn't you call me?" "well i didn't want to worry you i wanted you to have a nice evening with dad" i could tell she bought it i was always a good liar i knew how to convince someone of something really easily. "Mom i'm really tired and i'm going to be fine you can go to sleep i will see you in the morning" "okay Blair if you need anything call me" she smiled and then left the room.

I got undressed and lied on the bed my roommate must have slept over at her parent room because she wasn't here. I lied back and closed my eyes what am i going to do about saving Victor?" i thought all these plans passed through my mind but still none of them could work because i would need to be a black belt in Karate to do those moves and i definitely wasn't one so i had to keep thinking. My brain couldn't work straight after everything i had just gone through. Slowly my eyes began to wonder off and i fell asleep without noticing.

 The big room had tall grey walls and several guards all throughout Veronica and I were looking through the windows for a way in but we couldn't find one "come on"i shouted i pulled the dumpster aside and behind it was a small vent. "We can enter the building through here and then we can get an over view of whats going on " we both climbed in through the little space and crawled until we found a small peek hole. I looked down and saw Victor sitting there hopeless and covered in blood and wounds "H-H-Heeellppp" he shouted with small breaths. "Oh my Victor what have they done to you?" i whispered to myself "shhhh" Veronica looked down and then kept crawling through to find an exit for us to get out of the Vent. We finally reached the exit and looked down to see it leads to the hallway where several guards were standing Veronica looked up at me "it's either now or never Blair are you ready?" "yes i am" i said certain that i was i would do anything to help Victor after all he took a bullet for me in the other realm. We both jumped down and were faced with several guards running up towards us.

My eyes opened in fear i jumped up on the bed and huddled into the corner it wasn't safe but i had to do it for Victor i checked the clock it's twelve noon "i have to call Veronica and tell her the plan" i picked up my phone and dialed her the ringtone went through but there was no answer "please pick up".

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