Rising Phoenix

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I slowely opened my eyes and blinked confusedly "what just happened?" I questioned. I slowly lifted my head to see where i was my head was aching from the bang i got earlier which knocked me unconcious. I saw many silver bars that were very near each other. I felt like i was in a dog cage. I turned to see the guards surrounding the cage in every corner "dammit they caught me" i thought to myself. I stood up and turned to look for Veronica then i noticed Victor lying on the floor bleeding heavely i ran up towards him and tried to lift his head "Oh my gosh Victor what have they done to you. Victor can you hear me?" I thought i heard him moan i imagine he couldnt speak from the pain of all him open wounds. I put his head on my knee and slid my fingers through his hair "this is all my fault Victor i am so sorry" the tears began to pour down my face as the feeling of guilt choked me "ii-ttss o-kayy Blai--r please stt-oop crying. Seeing you cry hurts more than my bleeding wounds" my heart sank as i heard his words he trembled when he spoke but he managed to get the words out.
At that moment the sound of loud stomping heels appeared nearby i looked to see Veronica entering the room with two of her guards crowding around her. She came in laughing joyfully while she layed her eyes on us "oh i see your awake Blair. About time really i dont like to wait long" i looked at her angrily i just wanted to punch her in the face. "Veronica why are you doing this? What have i ever done to you to deserve this? If anything i thought we were best friends" she looked at me and began to chuckle again "oh honey its not what you've done to me its what you can give me. As soon as i saw the footage of you entering the other realm i knew u were the chosen one or shall i say the "Risen Phoenix" thats what your known as in the other realm its only on the real earth that you have a name as boring as the chosen one. Your power beats all the power of any creature in the other realm and thats why im going to take it from you" she gave me a smug smile and turned to walk away. I ran upto the railing and tried to stop her "Veronica please dont do this your better than this" she ignored me and kept walking. She reached one of the guards and spoke loudly so i could hear what she was going to say "get the tools ready i have had enough of this i'm going to get to the end of it all"
I watched as the guards prepared all the tools. she had three huge kneedles ready and some tube of chemicals next to the sringes there was a wooden table with many straps attached to it to hold my hands and legs so i wont escape. I felt a loud gulp in my trout i was always terrified of kneedles and when i imagined what she is going to do to me i would rather kill myself i imagine it would hurt less. I stood there staring at there every move i was lost away in fear."Blair come over to me" i heard Victor call from behind. I turned quickly and walked over to him "lie down i need to tell you something" i quickly kneeled down next to him and helped him rise upto my level "listen you need to wake up the Phoenix inside you and you need to do it before they stick those kneedles into you. Its the only way to save yourself" i looked at him in confusion "what Phoneix and how do i awaken it we haven't trained for that yet?"
"You need to be powerful and not fear the Phoenix is fearless you need to wake up the brave side of you and not let what you see over there get in your head there is a reason Veronica is doing this in front of your eyes its to shut you off in thoughts so you can't think about saving yourself be brave and distract yourself with happy thoughts or memories thats the only way" i listened carefully to what he said "okay i will try" then he lifted his head again "incase we dont make it out of here just know i love you and i never had the courage to say it to you before but i do now because i might never get to after. I love you Blair your the best thing that ever happened to me your everything i hoped for and i believe in you" his confession took me by surprise and i sat there staring into his beautiful eyes for a few minutes before replying "i love you too and i will do everything in my power to save you. After all you took a bullet for me remember" we both chuckled and then our faced got closer and out lips met. We stayed in the moment kissing away and trying to ignore the loud sounds of shuffling around us. Then she came back and our lips separated while i looked up to see the guard coming upto the gate "whats taking so long boys?"  She shouted angrily "everythings ready Ms Veronica" one of the guards replied. The guard walked into the gate and grabbed me by my arms. He pulled me out of the cage and while i tried to break free i couldnt he was too strong "remember i believe in you" Victor whispered. The men threw me on the wooden table and began tying my hands and legs so i wouldnt run away. I tried to break free but it was no use. Vernoica walked in and grabbed one of the sringes she put the chemical substance through the sringe and then she attached the kneedle to inject.While she was making the third one i began trying to find the peaceful part of my brain. It was no use my brain was too occupied by what was around me. Tears began to fall on both sides of my face as Veronica picked up the first kneedle and walked towards me with it. I tried to tilt my head a bit to see Victor for what could be the last time. Then in the moment i kept my eyes on him. Suddenly the memories of my and Victors interactions over the last few months started going through my mind and i couldnt help but laugh. Veronica stood over me with the kneedle "whats going on why is she laughin?" She questioned i could hear the fear in her voice. She put down her hand with the kneedle and grabbed my arm ready to put the kneedle through. I was lost in my memories and my laughter got heavier. Then the kneedle poked through my skin and i felt the pain of it but i refused to wake up "come on Pheonix please wake up come on" i thought to myself. My eyes remained closed and all i could hear was Veronicas voice shouting at the guards in the back round she injected the first bit of chemical into my system. Then she reached for the second one i could feel the pain in my arms from the straps being to tight "wake up Phoenix now" when the second kneedle poked through Victors hurt face appeared before my eyes and suddenly i felt my body turn really hot like i was surrounded by fire. I opened my eyes to see everyone backing away from the desk. I looked down to see my whole body covered by a shied of fire. The straps melted away and i stood up with the "Red Phoenix" covering me. "But how did she... No this cant be" Veronica shouted in fear.

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