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I closed my eyes tightly and waited to be shot dead by this man. Then I heard loud sounds coming from a far but they were getting nearer by the second. The voice was fuzzy from my nerves I couldn't hear what the voice was saying. Then I heard a loud gun shot....There was silence for a couple of minutes.

I waited to feel the pain of the bullet and fall to the ground. My feet were shaking and I could barely stay standing. My bones weakened and I fell to the ground I opened my eyes to check where I had been shot. I slid my hands across my waist and down my legs but there was no sign of blood anywhere. I looked up to see what had happened. There was a man lying on the floor in front of me and the man with the gun was gone. I tried to clear my vision to see who the man on the ground was. I rubbed my eyes to get a clearer vision, The suit was familiar "Oh my, VICTOR" I shouted. I got up and ran over to see if it was really him. He was lying on his side. I turned him around to see if he was still breathing. I lifted his head and looked around to see where he was shot. "Victor are you still with me. Victor open your eyes" I shouted with worry. He wasn't opening his eyes. My eyes began to fill with tears. I turned around and began to cry out loud with my face buried in the palm of my two hands. Then suddenly over the sound of my loud sobbing I heard a deep voice "you didn't think you could get rid of me that easy did you?" he said. I sat up confused and I turned to see Victor looking up at me with great pain in his eyes. "Victor your okay. Wait were you pretending this whole time?" I was getting frustrated. "Well yeah at first I did it to make the guy think I'm dead and not shoot me again and then when I saw how concerned you were I decided to make you suffer a little longer by pretending I was dead" he said with a smirk smile on his face. "Your such an ass. Do you know what you just put me through I was so worried". "Serves you right you will be back on time next time. I was worried sick and I wasn't as worried about you as I was of Mathews coming in and seeing me there waiting for you. I told you to be back didn't I" he looked annoyed "yeah but how was I supposed to be back in time when before I even got here I was already nearly shot so much for being the chosen one isn't he supposed to be scared of me or something. Like I couldn't just say oh sorry it's passed my curfew can you wait till tomorrow to kill me" I responded sarcastically. "They don't know your the chosen one remember were supposed to be looking for her in the other realm and seeing as Mathews doesn't believe its you neither do these people they think your just another intruder who has found your way through the realm". I sat there looking around. "I have had enough of this place come on lets get you back. We will go to my room so I can bandage your leg for you" I said. "Well that sounds exciting" he said with a smirk on his face. "Yeah well don't get your hopes up over a bandage its just a plain blue one" I said jokingly "haha very funny" he said while putting on a fake laugh. I helped him up off the ground and we walked back up to the realm where we had to cross back to the other side. We both transported back to the real world. I helped Victor down off the heart diamond and I pulled him up the stairs as he hopped slowly. We both hoped we wouldn't be caught by Mr Mathews otherwise we would both be doomed. We went down the long hallway and when no one was looked we slid into the room. "Wait don't you have a roommate?" Victor asked "Oh yeah I forgot about Natalia". "Well aren't you a great friend?" he said sarcastically "Victor this is no time for jokes come on sit on the bed so I can bandage your leg quickly before she comes back" I said worryingly "I can think of way better things we can do than bandage my leg" he said " Victor I'm serious stop it your bleeding all over the place". Fine, your no fun lately" he replied. He hopped up and sat on the bed. I pulled out the bandages from the first aid closet. I opened the bag and took out a big blue bandage just like I told him I would. I began tightly rolling the bandage around his leg to stop the blood from pouring down. Luckily the bullet hadn't gone far into his leg so I managed to pull it out with tweezers. While I was rolling the bandage around his leg I felt Victors hand crawl down my arm and slide into my hand. I paused and looked up at him "What would I do without you?" he asked in a sweet and caring voice. I kept eye contact and jumped back "well you wouldn't be in this mess if it weren't for me". I looked back down and continued wrapping when his hand slid under my neck and lifted my head up to face him. He began to lean in slowly I closed my eyes as our breaths became one and I and waited for our lips to meet. Then suddenly the door swung open and in came Natalia. She walked past me without looking and went straight to her closet as if she was looking for something and said "Blair, OMG where have you been. You won't believe what happened earlier. Okay so..." she turned to face me "Oh I'm sorry. I didn't even see you there Victor. Blair what's going on here?" 

Now we had to come up with a story to tell Natalia so she wouldn't suspect a thing.

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