The Lie

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Mr Mathews froze and his eye caught the glowing crystal he stared at it for a few minutes. It almost seemed like he forgot that either of us were in the room. Victor and I glanced at each other we didn't know whether to say something or to keep our mouths shut. Eventually Mr Mathews stepped back into the room. "What's going on here?" he asked in a curious tone. Victor replied in a broke voice almost like he was afraid to say the words "The crystal. It lit up. Blair is the chosen one" he said. "That can't be he said the chosen one must put a bit of her blood on the crystal for it to define whether she is the one or not" Mr Mathews confronted. I looked down to see if I had any cuts or if I was bleeding anywhere and I didn't seem to be. "that's strange I am not bleeding" I said. "Then you must not be the chosen one its a false alarm. " Mr Mathews added. After a few minutes he turned and started looking around on the shelves. He looked through each section as if he was looking for something important. "Here it is" he said holding up a brown book that read "Revealing the Chosen one" on the cover in bold black writing. He opened it to page fifty six and read "There are two ways a chosen one can be identified. He/ She must either place a bit of her blood on the crystal OR they must kiss someone with a high status from the other realm". When Mr Mathews read this line Victor and I looked at each other. How were we going to tell Mr Mathews what had happened about five minutes before he entered the room.

"Nothing happened between the pair of you right" he said in a very serious tone. I was about to tell him that we may have accidentally made out in the moment but then Victor jumped out in front of me and said "No Mathews don't be ridiculous she's only a first year and I'm a head professor nothing could ever happen here". I stood there in shock. I couldn't believe my ears. Victor just totally dissed me in from of Mr Mathews. "well good. I have to go now duty calls make sure to keep an eye on the crystal and seeing as Blair knows by now she can stay here and help you" then before we could say anything else he turned and exit the room.

I walked back and sat on one of the wooden tables. I was just about holding back my tears. "Is everything okay?" Victor asked me . "Yeah everything's great, I'm going to go to my room it's been a long day. I'll see you tomorrow" I turned and left the room quickly before my tears started running down my face in front of him. I thought we had a real connection but it turns out Victor was just leading me on to then ditch me in front of the principal. I felt my whole body shaking as I ran back to my room. Victor stood there with a blunt face and didn't say anything as if I was invisible. I couldn't help but wonder could he truly be so cold hearted?.

I walked down the long corridor and entered my room. I noticed Natasha was in a deep sleep. I was a bit relieved because now I didn't have to spend ages making up excuses for being upset. I tiptoed to my bed and lied down on the bottom half of the bunk bed. It was very dark and I couldn't see anything. I could only feel my tears rushing down my face as I tried to keep silent not to wake Natasha. After about ten minutes of crying I managed to fall asleep.

There were four pillars two in the front and two in the back. There was a row of stairs leading up to a cave. I began to walk up the stairs and in through the cave. On the other side of the cave there was a big garden full of plants and many different flowers. I walked out through the path and then I noticed a big red gate and above it there was a sign saying "The Chosen Ones Secret Garden" I walked up to the gate and tried to pull it open but it was locked. I began to panic because I wanted to find out what was on the other side. Then suddenly there was a big, loud knock on the door. "Open this door immediately" said a mans voice. "I can't its locked" I shouted "stop fooling around or I will break down this door" said the deep manly voice. Then I heard big bangs on the door from the other side as if they were whacking a machine off it or something. Then the door slid open and in walked a tall man in a black long cape with a black and white mask on his face and a cowboy hat on his head. He walked up close to me and held up his gun to my chest. "bye bye dear" he said before pressing the gun down and shooting the bullet.

I jumped up in my bed and started touching my chest. I'm alive it's okay I thought. Then the light went on and Natasha came running towards me "are you okay Blair" she said in a worried voice. "No I -I'm not. I had a terrifying nightmare where I was shot and..." I couldn't continue. This was the second nightmare I had since I got here. It must be a message from the realm or something. Natasha ran out to the tap in the corridor and got me some water in the mean time I took out my phone and texted Veronica to tell her I needed to meet her tomorrow to tell her about what had gone on the last couple of days. Then Natasha returned with the cup of water I drank it and felt a little better. "Are you okay now?" she asked "yes I am thank you Natasha" I said. "Well then I'm going to go back to sleep I was having a dream about this prince who came to rescue me and all. Anyways good night" she said and then we switched off the light and jumped back on her bed. After several minutes of twisting, turning and staring at the wall I fell back asleep and waited for my meeting with Veronica in the morning. I needed to get a second opinion on this whole situation.

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