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I took a few steps back and he walked into the room. He turned and shut the door behind him. "Ms Blair isn't it?" he asked. I stared at him in anger and confusion. "What does he want?" I thought to myself as I rubbed my eyes once more to make sure this was really happening. "Yes that's me" I replied. "Well Blair I believe we got off on the wrong foot this morning and I would like to forget about what happened this morning and turn over a new leaf. What would you say?". Of course he wants to turn over a new leaf what would everyone else think of him if they found out he was rude to a first year student before she even began her first day here. Well I suppose I could give him another chance after all were both human. "Fine, I will start over a new leaf but only because it's the first day and you are my English lecturer I don't want this effecting my grades" I said. He looked at me with a smirk smile and said "Wise choice young lady, but really you think I'm that unprofessional that I would base your grades off this instance do you? If you earn your grades I will happily give them to you". I looked at him and his perfect brown styled hair and beautiful blue eyes and to top it all off he had a perfectly constructed jaw line. Snap yourself together, I told myself then turned to reply "eh, well I would hope not and yes we can leave this here okay. If that's everything can you leave now my roommate will be back any minute and I don't want her to see you here." Then he turned and opened the door and before I knew it he was gone. 

I sat on the bottom of the bunk bed and thought about what an ass he was for coming and knocking on my room door what if anyone saw him what would they think. I would have argued with him until dawn but I was forced to except it or he would of made my next ten months here a living hell. Anyways I'm not going to let him bring me down I have waited for this day for too long. I lied down to take a nap for a few minutes before my next seminar. Before I knew it I passed out.

I was standing in a long hallway. I walked forward slowly taking one step at a time eventually after checking every route I realized it was a never ending hallway and there was no exit to escape through. Then suddenly I heard voices coming from either side of me but there was no one there. The sounds of loud laughter and whispers haunted me. "Help someone please help" I shouted. Then I sat on the ground and began to cry for help.

On that note I jumped up in my bed and looked around the room. "It was just a dream" I told myself. After a few minutes I began to catch my breath again "enough sleep for today" I thought. I checked my watch for the time "I'm going to be late to my first class" I gasped as I jumped up and started to go through my suitcase for a decent outfit to wear. I still hadn't had the time to unpack my suitcase since I had arrived. I picked out a pair of blue jeans and a white t-shirt with the logo " just do it" written across the right hand side of it. I put on a little bit of makeup to brighten my face to avoid looking like I had just woken up and I put my hair in a neat bun. Then I grabbed my bag and headed out the door to my first business class.

 I ran down the hall and hurried to avoid being late once again. Thankfully, the room was near our dorms so I was able to get there quick enough. On my entrance to the class I looked to the left side and saw Victor talking to another individual down at the end of the hall. He too was wearing a tight black suit so it must of been another faculty member. It must of been something serious because they looked very engaged in the topic and he seemed very intense in his form of body language, I wish I could hear what they were talking about. Then, suddenly it felt like he had eyes on the back of his head. Victor turned his head and looked directly at me with a serious look on his face. " Oh my, oh my" I began to panic and quickly turned and ran into the class room. I ran up the stairs and quickly took my seat in the fourth last row. Then a shadow appeared outside the door. I took a deep breath and waited to see who it was. Suddenly our lecturer entered the room he was an older man. He was our lecturer for the business module. Thankfully I could breath again. I sat back and tried to focus on the lecture for the next 45 minutes. Then suddenly the bell rang again and my heart was unsteady having to leave the classroom again. He could be anywhere, and what if he comes to my room again. My heart was unsteady. I picked myself up and proceeded to leave the classroom.


Hey Everyone,

I hope you enjoyed my book. This is the updated version.

New Chapters coming soon

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Yana G

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