The Secret

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There was so many students walking across the halls I couldn't see straight. Thankfully, he was no where to be seen so I hurried to my next class and as I was on my way I managed to trip over another students bag and dropped my copies out of my hand and onto the floor. When I went to pick them up I realized the old faded brown door was slightly open. "I wonder what's in there" I thought, the suspense was killing me. I was startle by the bell. It was time for the next class. All the students began to run in all directions to find their class rooms and before I knew it the halls cleared out pretty quickly. I stayed back and waited until it was all clear and then I made my move. I felt like I was a spy from Charles Angels or something. I tip toed up to the door and slightly opened it to see what was in there . There was no sign of anyone so I opened the door quietly and walked in. I walked through a big shelf of history book and tables. It felt like a locked away library. But that didn't make sense why would they hide away the library unless it was a disguise room for something else. I made my way around the table and then I heard a deep voice coming from the other side of the shelf. I jumped back and tried to control my breathing so I wouldn't get caught. I listened carefully to the older sounding man "we need to keep this on low profile if anyone finds out about it we could be in deep trouble" he said "yes I understand but we need to find out who the chosen one is. She's the only one who can save the other realm" the other man replied. "yes and how are you planning on finding her?". "Well she must be close because after all these years of searching the crystal has lit up and has been lighting all day. We just need to narrow it down to all the new students that have joined the school and see who it can be". As I listened to the conversation I began to recognize that deep voice that was talking to the old man. It was Victor's voice, I would recognise his deep sexy voice anywhere.

While I was sitting there listening to the conversation I was fully zoned out on where I was until I felt a tap on my back. I slowly turned around to see a tall lady towering over me, her name badge read "Margaret". "What are you doing here?" she asked in a very angry tone. "Oh sorry Margret I'm only new here and I can't find my way to the class room. I was trying to find someone to help me find my way and when I saw the door was open I thought someone here could help me. Can you direct me in the right way please and I will get going now" I said. 

On that note the old man and Victor came out and stood there staring at me "What's going on here?" the old man asked. "I caught this young lady behind the shelf I believe she was ease dropping but she claims to have just lost her way" Margaret said. I tried to defend myself "no I assure you I was not ease dropping I" then the old man began to speak over me and said "Oh well if she lost her way we must help her find where she was going. What class do you have now dear?" he asked in a calm voice. " I-I have digital marketing studies in room 209" I said. My body was shaking in fear. "Okay well Victor can you please guide this lady to room 209. She must have confused the rooms and came in here by accident." Then as we turned to leave the man said "Young lady make sure not to mix up your rooms again or there will be major consequences". I was filled with fear so I didn't reply. Victor and I walked out of the room and made our way down the halls to room 209. We were walking at a slow pace and neither of us spoke. We reached the staircase and began to climb it. It felt like a ghost town not another human in sight. We were nearing the room when suddenly he turned towards me, pushed me up against the wall and put his big strong hands on my neck "look you might have fooled the others but you wont fool me that easily tell me why you came into the room and what you heard" he said in a frustrated tone.  I couldn't catch a breath, his grip kept getting tighter and tighter on my neck. I was trying to push him off but he was just too strong. His hands were cold and he was tightening his grip slowly. I felt like I was going to faint from the lack of oxygen. He just kept staring at me with those big blue eyes. He looked aggressive but scared and lost at the same time. Even though he was choking me to death all I wanted to do was wrap my arms around his beautifully structured waist that was pressing up against mine at the current moment and kiss his perfectly shaped lips. "Snap out of it" I told myself he's going to kill you and this is what your thinking about. Then my vision began to blur and I closed my eyes waiting until I finally passed out.


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