Chapter 37 - In Outer-space

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The man was tapping away at the keyboard and abruptly halted at the sound of the door opening and he turned to see who had come in. To his surprise, it was his daughter Lily Valerie. 

She looked determined. He could see the fire in her eyes. It was a surprise visit, no doubt. It had been weeks since he accomplished getting her back and she stayed in her room most of that time. 

"To what do I owe the pleasure of your appearance?" He folded his hands and straightened his posture.

"I just wanted to check in on you to see how things are going." She said it simply, forcing a smile on her face. She would need to better her acting skills.

"Hm, I will admit you caught me by surprise."

"Oh, is that so?" She asked, playing dumb.

"It is so. Though I can't entertain you at the moment,  I do have matters to attend to."

"You're not leaving me alone, are you? I'll die of boredom. You owe me that much at least." She tried to convince David to stay. He seemed already preoccupied. But maybe it would work.  After all, he was absent her entire childhood, her entire life. "I have questions you know!"

"I understand this, don't worry, Lily. I'll fill you in on the plans very soon. Don't worry your little head on this." He ruffled her blond tresses and opened the door for her. This action infuriated her. How did he know? Can he read minds? Or was she just dense?

She forced her stubborn legs to move, strolled out of his office, and stormed the halls. Finally, making it to her room. She wished her friends would hurry and get her. She wasn't sure what her father had planned but it was nothing good.

*Back on earth*

"Alright, let's go guys!" Blade motioned them all to follow him up the steps of the ship's doors. It opened revealing purple lights, advanced tech, a row of controls at the end and widescreen, and an oversized space chair in front of the controls. There were two vast rooms with bunk beds in them.

And the flooring was a metallic white color, the walls were silver, and everything had a shine to it.

Andy gaped around the shiny controls and tech. "It looks so cool in here."

"Don't break anything," Nixon advised her.

"I won't." She grinned ear to ear. "I'm not that irresponsible." Nixon eyed her cautiously, doubting her words.

"Here." Zane pushed a heavy suit into his arms, and Nixon slipped into it quickly and tried his best to stand fully without leaning on the wall or chair. The suit was heavy, and it constricted his movement. He saw everyone else in the spaceship do the same.

Andy was goofing off with her helmet pretending to lose breath without it on, and putting it back on her head, smirking, she caught his green eyes and gave him a thumbs up.

Oh, God. The smile was contagious because his lips shifted on their own forming a small one back.

Andy felt a warm feeling in her at that tiny gesture. To see that nerd cracking a smile at her, was cute. He didn't do it often but when he did it was special.

"Alright, everyone geared up! If so, get seated somewhere." Blade announced. Jax left to the room of bunk beds and others followed.

Blade was the pilot, and he hoped most of the buttons were explanatory. He moved the gearshift-looking control down, pushing them off the ground and the spaceship took flight, its engines roaring to life.

After bringing the ship to life there wasn't much to do. It was pretty much on auto-pilot as it took them in a direction. He saw a map, and a red dot appeared on it. It beamed, "Oculos spaceship" The spaceship was massive, its exterior a dark-shaded purple, and its shape an odd triangle.

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