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┉ˏ͛ ༝̩̩̥͙ ⑅͚˚   ҉  ⑅͚˚ ͛༝̩̩̥͙ ˎ┉

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┉ˏ͛ ༝̩̩̥͙ ⑅͚˚   ҉  ⑅͚˚ ͛༝̩̩̥͙ ˎ┉


I open my heavy eyelids to look around and see what's going on.. there were fires
Everywhere , but luckily some man was putting out the fires with water coming out of their palms..
Wait.. never mind. Probably some new technology..

I saw some people crowding me , talking to me. I couldn't understand a thing.. everything was so
Blurry.. I tried to get up but failed , that's when the pain kicked in. I fell back down and winced at the sudden
Discovery. Everything was starting to clear a bit, but it was still pretty hard to understand what was going on around me.

I then remembered.. rettaka.. Fusion.. wait, that's right.. I defeated him. I got my brothers back.. my brothers..
I grabbed my wrist where my watch would be to check if it was there. Thought so, It was still there since it's pretty hard to
Get it off unless you listened to ochobots whole 3 minute explanation of how to get it off, much less having to memorize it.
And still, I don't know where I was. Maybe a new planet? Very much of a possibility.. but this looks insanely close to earth.
The people around me still looked worried and kept trying to talk to me although I can't understand a thing.

Oh yeah.. Solar gave me a 'language' pill he calls it. He invented it since the Mops kept trying to tell us something but never really
Understood them properly. I used it 3 times.. for a reason. I reached in my vest and grabbed the little packet filled with 5 language pills.
I open the packet and grabbed one , but before I ate it I made sure to blow off the dust that may have gone in. Then proceeded to eat it.
I gave a look when you eat something sour which made them look at me with confusion. This is the reason why I only eat 3. It's cause
It taste almost like Yaya's biscuit but extremely sour and left an awful after taste. It takes a second for the pill to actually kick in.
But sure enough, whatever they were saying finally became clear to me.

" Dear boy are you alright!? " the girl on my right with horns said.. there has been a lot of people around me that look weird. So it must be
Normal around here since people don't really mind it. " Yes ma'am- " I said in a dry voice as I let out a cough. " It's alright! Help is on
The way, so don't need to worry! Just sit tight and don't talk to much, we'll sit you up straight to give you some water so you can talk
Well. " they were kind to me, and not suspicious. That's a good sign . They do what they told me, help me sit up straight while someone put their hand on my back to give me support. They so gently give me water as they tilt my head back to prevent me from choking.

" Ekhem.. thank you a lot, I already feel better." I try to say as politely as I can but wasn't in the right mental state right now, and or physical. " Of course! It is our job as rescue!" ah. " Do you know what happened here?" Of course I asked this. I mean I see fires everywhere
And I so happen to be in the centre of this mess. " There was a villain attack! And you happened to be caught up into one , we found you under the rubbles and rocks. " " Villian? " I asked curiously, I mean sure there was the word villains that could describe robbers and other bad guys, but this world seemed to operate differently.

" Yes, a villain with a sludge quirk caused havoc! There was a boy who got caught up in it, but luckily All might was there just in time! Oh, and don't worry. The boy is in safe hands." " Quirk? All might?" I asked again with the same tone as I did the last question. " You don't know what all might, or what a quirk is?" The girl with horns said with slight concern in her voice. I shook my head, they seemed to get the memo that I didn't know what it was. " Oh dear.. he must be suffering from amnesia.." yeah.. let's just leave it at that, it is quite a good cover up. " What do you remember?" " Well I know my name, Boboiboy. And I think I have a quirk? " Of course I didn't forget anything , I just had to fit in . So I don't look so suspicious. " Hmm.. Do you know where you are from?" " Malaysia. " I don't even know if they have that as a place. " Ah. So that's why your name sounded a bit weird.. N-no offence though! It sounds like a really unique name! " the girl with horns panicked a bit waving her hand around frantically. " None taken! And yeah.. I get that a lot . He he.. "I said back to let her know she didn't do anything to offend me.

" Well, we're going to have to put you on a stretcher and do a quick check up on you to see what injuries you have. And then treat them as such! We'll discharge you when you are fully healed! " one of the other people said. " Alright.. " I didn't know these people, but I felt that I was in safe hands. So I let myself black out.."

┉ˏ͛ ༝̩̩̥͙ ⑅͚˚   ҉  ⑅͚˚ ͛༝̩̩̥͙ ˎ┉
Sunday , July 24 2022

┉ˏ͛ ༝̩̩̥͙ ⑅͚˚   ҉  ⑅͚˚ ͛༝̩̩̥͙ ˎ┉Sunday , July 24 2022

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Boboiboy Meets My Hero AcademiaWhere stories live. Discover now