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┉ˏ͛ ༝̩̩̥͙ ⑅͚˚   ҉  ⑅͚˚ ͛༝̩̩̥͙ ˎ┉

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┉ˏ͛ ༝̩̩̥͙ ⑅͚˚   ҉  ⑅͚˚ ͛༝̩̩̥͙ ˎ┉


Six months have past since I was stuck here. They said I had injuries that were really bad, and they don't know how I got it. So I just did what many others would in my situation. " I don't remember " I said to the nurses that were always with me. And Of course they believed me. I mean, I do have 'amnesia' . Until the day finally came..

" You are healed enough to be discharged, your guardian already payed your bills so you should be free to go. " the nurse said in a monotone voice. " Guardian..? " I was hoping to get the name. " Yeah, Hawks the 3rd best hero. " I looked shocked " Woah! A hero!? " I said excitedly, just like leaf.


"WOAH! NO WAY!! THIS IS SO SICK! " Fire said in a very very astonished voice. " Living with a hero does sound interesting... " light mumbled , but just enough for the others to hear. " Dimwits, did you all forget that we are heroes to? We probably have more experience than them. " Lightning retorted before looking away. " But it is cool to be living with another hero like us.. " lightning mumbled but only Leaf heard it.

" Aww, I knew you'd be happy to be living with someone that a hero like us! " Leaf exclaimed , while the others were making a smug look that was directed at lightning who was blushing. But they all the same thing ' Tsundere.'


" where is he right now? " I asked the nurse, trying to hide the excitement in my voice. " He's outside waiting, he has big red wings. So you should be able to see him. " I nod back quickly as I get out of bed energetically. " Alright then, dress up and he'll meet you outside " the nurse with a clipboard said before leaving the room to let me change in privacy.

≡;- ꒰ °Outside

" Thank you for everything!! " I yell back to the receptionist while waving and walking backwards. Seeing him wave back at me , I started to shift from walking backward to walking forward. There I saw my guardian. He looked so... COOL! He was waning on his car like how a cool person would. Like how Fang would, but somehow. It didn't seem cool to me when he was doing it. I ran towards Hawks and said. " HI HAWKS!! " I said loudly, he just gave me a warm smile.

" Hey buddy! Do you want an autograph? " I was dumbfounded. Does he not know he's my new guardian? " Uhh, actually.. Your my new guardian for the time being! " it took him a moment to register what I just said , but then quickly apologized as he didn't recognize me before . I sweat dropped " Hehe.. it's no big deal sir! " he made a relief look , then returned to his resting face with a bit of a smile. Opening his car door signalling to enter. I gladly did so as he started the engine.

We were on the road, the ride was pretty silent until he spoke up. " So , I heard your somewhat of a hero already " I looked shocked but then quickly answered " Mhm.. I used to be a hero on earth, but kind of started to be a hero all over the galaxy " I replied " man that's sick. I mean, sure being a hero is cool. But a hero that's works in space? That's even cooler! " I chuckled at his statement " Yeah, I guess so. "
The whole ride went like that. Asking each other questions, some funny, some not so funny. But overall, he seems like a good person.


I was about to ask him another question, but he didn't respond. So I repositioned the mirror to make it so that I could see him, that's when I found out that the reason he wasn't answering me was that he fell asleep. I smiled softly before looking back at the road.

≡;- ꒰ °Time skip

We arrived at the building where my apartment is located. I look back to gently shake him, which to my surprise he immediately woke up. " Oh. We're here already? " I nodded . After we both get out the car , I locked it with the remote control. I was about to open the door when I noticed he wasn't beside me. So I looked back to see him looking up in astonishment making the [ :OO ] face. When he noticed he was lagging behind, he quickly caught up to me. I was about to open the door for him when it automatically opened. I looked back at Amato who just pressed the button with the wheelchair sign on it. I chuckled a bit seeing how childish he was. [ I mean .. c'mon. Don't tell me I'm the only one who does it? ]

We both walked into the elevator as I pressed 37th button. The only sound was the elevator dings as it passed each floor. I looked over to Amato who was as still as a statue- " Woah, woah- are you alright kid? " I said shocked and worried. " Y-yep.. just a bit scared of .. h-heights.. " [ Headcannon. ] ah. That explains it. " b-but no need to worry! I just gotta use the w-washroom.. " " alright.. " I don't how that is gonna help. But alright-

Once we arrive, he went to the washroom like he said and back out. But he had the a whole diffrent outfit. "Uhh.. you good now Amato? " I ask cautiously since he suddenly change. He looked at me curiously, but quickly shrugged it off as he switched from curious to a big smile.
" I'm sure you know how when I switch I have a different personality right? " I nod in curiosity. His smile somehow got larger " Well then. I'm wind! Nice to meet ya sir! " " so like.. your a whole different person now right? " I asked trying to understand what was happening. " Uh-uh! And I'm sure you won't mind having to take care of six more kids now would ya? " wait.. six kids- " wait- " I tried to say something but he quickly caught me off " Alright! , Elemental Split! "

┉ˏ͛ ༝̩̩̥͙ ⑅͚˚   ҉  ⑅͚˚ ͛༝̩̩̥͙ ˎ┉
Tuesday , July 26 2022

┉ˏ͛ ༝̩̩̥͙ ⑅͚˚   ҉  ⑅͚˚ ͛༝̩̩̥͙ ˎ┉Tuesday , July 26 2022

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Boboiboy Meets My Hero AcademiaWhere stories live. Discover now