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There was only about 3 minutes left on the timer. Everything so far was going according to plan.. but atlas.. nothing in this world goes to plan.. I see Todoroki walk towards me with a sickly smile . " So.. how are we gonna do this? The easy way or the- " but before he could proceed on his scentence " the hard way. " I continued. He smirks , then ice lunges towards me like the speed of light! Well.. not exactly but fast! Tok kasa's training did me good. I dodge swiftly and look back at the timer. " 2 more minutes... " I mumble. He tries the same attack as before but I slammed my earth hands onto the floor.

" EARTH BARRIER! " and as soon as those words come out, my barrier blocks the ice that Todoroki tried to capture me in. Makes more ice and hits it towards my barrier breaking it. Ice encases my torso while my arms and legs dangle. I see Todoroki walk towards me, " You've lost . " I smirk , which made him looked confused. " Oh did I? " I say mischievously . I spread my fingers apart then closed them in tight. " EARTH CAPTURE! " I say out loud . I encase Todoroki and turned the tables. Earth worms, get it? Ok , ok. It's like vibes but made of hard dirt. It cracks the ice making me escape. " You've. Lost! " I say " lost " in a sassy tone. " TIMES UP! " All might says from the speakers.

Saturday, August 20 2022

Boboiboy Meets My Hero AcademiaWhere stories live. Discover now