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·͙*̩̩͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩̥͙ ✩ *̩̩̥͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩͙‧͙

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.·͙*̩̩͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩̥͙ ✩ *̩̩̥͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩͙‧͙ .


" Holy H-E Double hockey sticks this place is basically a city block!! " I yelled out loud, but people were thinking the exact same thing.

" RIGHT! LETS START! " We all look up to see present mic up on the roof of a tower. " GET MOVING! THERE ARE NO COUNTDOWNS IN BATTLES! RUN RUN LISTENERS , YOURE WASTING TIME HERE! " He said making a circling movement forward.

I look back to the rest to see that they already were heading over there, though. I waited for the gates to clear up so I wouldn't get crowded.
After that's settled, I decided to only use four of my elements to keep a low profile and Ofcourse. First tiers only.



Hehe.. it's showtime. I crouch on the ground and jump as wind starts to produce under me and makes a safe cushion where I can fly wherever! I hover over towards over a isolated area so I could get more robots that where it is crowded. I stop when a 1 pointer bust through a wall , I grab it with my wind and fly with it. I saw 5 2-pointers and 3 3-pointers. I send some wind to grab it, and make it fly up with me along with the one-pointer.

After a while people started noticing me with over a hundred robots filled with 3,1,and 2-pointers. I gather them up in one big little ball , people started to stop what they were doing and look up to me.

" WIND SMASH! HIYA- " new move, made it my self. I smugly said in my head. People backed away when it reached the ground as the smoke revealed the broken bots. Racking my points up through the roof. People started to look back at me terrified, and started screaming and running away. " Oh c'mon it's not that ba- " the ground shook . " huh.? " it shook again then stopped. Dear Gosh.. I look back to see the BIG A- BUTT 0-POINTER. The robot swung its fist at me but I swiftly dodged it.

If I destroy this robot, which I should say I easily could. I could ALSO easily get in. I put my palms in his direction when down on the ground a hurricane was forming, it wasn't as strong as it was in my second tier but definitely enough to take this big meanie down. " IS HE NUTS! HE'LL DIE! " somebody screamed. The Hurricane was as big as the robot, I pushed my palm towards him " HIYAAA- " and before he could land another hit, he was already falling to the ground. I flew over to his head and landed on it, " WIND DRILL! " I drilled into his head as his "eye" started blinking and turned from bright red to dull grey. I flew off his head as he came crashing down.

I started to laugh " BAHAHAHA! IMAGINE LOSING TO A KID THATS AS SMALL AS AN ANT COMPARED TO YOU! HAHAHA! " I was  on my back laughing my butt off while I was on the wind platform. " HAhHhaha... some 0-pointer you are. You were no fun. " I said flying down . I looked back at the shocked people, some were impressed. Mostly mad that there was a rival as strong as me. Couldn't imagine.

" AAANDDD, TIMES UP! " a siren follows as present mic says on the roof. " I'm pretty sure I passed. " I mumbled, but enough for the people watching to hear. I look over to them and pulled the skin under my right eye down as I stuck my tongue at them."Bleh! L-O-S-E-R-S.
Losers! Did you all see the way you ran! BAHAHA! I can't believe that some of you guys actually think you can be heroes! If there was a villain that big, you fight. Dummy! " I said , giving them a hidden lecture behind my words.

" Now now.. " an old lady with a crane came to me. " What you said was true, but a hero does not discourage people. But you did well, defeated that robot with minimal injuries. Have some gummies. " I shook my head. " sorry ma'am, but no thank you. " I replied back. " I understand " she said putting it back . She walked over to a man with a broken finger, and smooched him with a stretchy lip. Green aura surrounded the finger and healed it. " Any one else with injuries? " she proceeded to ask. I made a thumbs up and said " AWESOME!! "

A/N : I am still trying to learn about what muslims can do and cannot do, their culture, and their religion. I am currently learning Malay , I know simple greetings and phrases but still a long way to go. If I am doing anything wrong, please do tell me! That is all, Hope you all enjoyed this chapter! ( Sorry it was shorter that usual. )

.·͙*̩̩͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩̥͙  *̩̩̥͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩͙‧͙ .
Saturday, July 30 2022

Saturday, July 30 2022

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Boboiboy Meets My Hero AcademiaWhere stories live. Discover now