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·͙*̩̩͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩̥͙ ✩ *̩̩̥͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩͙‧͙

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.·͙*̩̩͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩̥͙ ✩ *̩̩̥͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩͙‧͙ .


A week has passed... which means the U.A entrance is today . Tokoyami and me stood at front of U.A. We start walking in with the other people . " Man , this place is rich. " I look up. Tokoyami just nodded in response. I saw a green boy that tripped but was saved by a brown haired girl. " Hey Abang, could I go there? I wanna ask if we could be friends! " Tokoyami nodded , normally it would be weird. But they've gotten used to it " Just get back in time for the exam to begin. "
And with that, I saw abang walking away. I rushed towards the two while waving, luckily they waved back at me.

" Hey guys! I saw what happened earlier, I wanted to ask what was your guy's names? I just really want to know someone else besides my abang" the brown haired girl spoke up raising her hand up " Im Ochako Uraraka! " I looked over to the green haired boy," what about you? " I asked the broccoli " I-it's, 'Ekhem' It's Midoriya Izuku , wh-what about you? " I looked at him weirdly , but shrugged it off since he probably was just nervous. " I'm Boboiboy Amato! "

" Not to be rude, but are you from here? " Ochako asked me " Nuh-uh. I'm from Malaysia! " Her eyes sparkled all of a sudden. " WOAH! You came all the way from Malaysia! And your name is so cool! " I rubbed my neck and blushed a little from the sudden compliment, my name was thought of being weird and not cool. So I was pretty happy. " Hehe.. thank you! " I looked back to Izuku who seemed to be muttering. " You good? " he snapped back and realized he was muttering. " E-eh yea-yeah. I just wanted to ask who was abang? " it was pretty obvious he never thought of asking that and just wanted to cover up his habit- " Oh, it's my big brother! But enough of that. " I grabbed both of their hands and dragged them all the way to the gates and inside.

" 'Huff, Huff,' We can walk you know? " Izuku said fixing himself. " Yea. But you were- we were gonna be late. Plus, friends never ditch each other. " The green haired boy flushed bright red " Y-you think w-were friends.. I-I MEAN , it's just.. I- " Ochako chuckled " It's alright. Plus , it's better to have friends! " Izuku seemed to calm down and toned down the pink a bit. " Yeah.. y-your 'Ekhem' you're right. " I smiled warmly, when someone suddenly spoke from the speakers.

" WHATS UP U.A CANDIDATES~ THANKS FOR TUNIN' IN TO ME! YOUR SCHO~~~OL DJ!" we three looked up stage to see a... banana? Man this school has healthy people.. a broccoli first now a banana? " C'MON AND LET ME HEAR YA! "


Woah! Present mic! It would be so cool if it weren't for the dead silence-

" HEYYYY!! " it took me a moment to realize anything.. I mean, the person who just yelled that was Boboiboy. Who was right beside me and Ochako , I looked over to her to see that she was in the same state. Temporarily deaf. The spot light then shines on him, he had red.. eyes? I thought he had brown. But me and Ochako quickly realized what he did and seated a bit farther away.

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