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┉ˏ͛ ༝̩̩̥͙ ⑅͚˚   ҉  ⑅͚˚ ͛༝̩̩̥͙ ˎ┉


I wake up again , but this time I was in a hospital bed. I look around and sit up, leaning on the pillow that was set neatly behind me.
Just then, a person with black hair and stiff shoulders walked in . He seemed to be to busy looking at the papers on his clipboard to notice that I was awake. I waited for a few minutes to see if he would notice but didn't as he kept flipping through the pages . " Ekhem.." I called out to him. He looked a bit shocked but then quickly fixed his posture as he noticed me awake. " Ah. I see you're awake Boboiboy. How are you feeling?" " Im doing a lot better now with your guys help!" I say happily. And I truly meant it.

" That's glad to hear, I just have a few questions I need to ask you, I hope you don't mind." "Not at all sir! I'll do anything to repay your hospitality towards me." I say politely. " Very well. Do you know your last name?" "Amato" [ I actually don't know his full name. So.. let's stick with Boboiboy Amato alright? Alright. ] " Hm... Amato Boboiboy.." he whispered slightly but just enough for me to hear. "Hm." He said sharply looking a bit shocked. " Amato, did you come to this country Illegally? Cause it says here we don't have any files on you. Almost like you never really existed." I didn't know how to answer.. I might've . But I really didn't mean to! I mean.. I don't know how I even got here! "I don't know.." which technically wasn't the truth but wasn't really a lie.

" Alright... Oh, by the way. I should've mentioned this earlier. My quirk can tell whenever you're lying or not. So, did you come to this country illegally? " now I was nervous. Do I just tell him the truth? I mean, I feel a lot better now.. better enough to make a run for it just in case they ever try to do bad things to me. " Yes.... But hear me out sir! " " Glad we could sort this out. Now why did you come here illegally? "

≡;- ꒰ °After Explaining...

He just stood there in shock. I mean, if I told someone this .. they probably would just think I'm making an excuse to enter this country illegally , but this man here can tell that I'm telling the truth! So I'm pretty much safe. I think-

" Sorry , it's just a lot to take in. So to summarize.. you are a hero that works in the galaxy to save these 'power spheras' that have special abilities. And different life forms want to use this power for bad things. And you have powers from some power sphera. Which is Elemental Manipulation. And someone had it before you, but they were bad and got it taken away. So he comes back for it, he was super strong. But you defeat him. And then fainted from over usage of your powers and fell .. here? "

"Yup. At this point, if everyone here has a quirk of some sort, there must be a power sphera here with a long term affect and can be passed down once you have it.. im not sure if it might be alive anymore though. " I said, I kind of got the gist of what a quirk is. " I'll tell some of the higher ups and those else who need to know. We'll try to find a guardian for you since you are to young to be alone in the streets. Is that good? " " Ofcourse! " I replied back gratefully " Alright. " he said getting up from his seat and grabbing his clipboard.

" Before they discharge you, I'll be sure to give you a tablet of how this world works alright? " I nod back. When he opened the door he was met with a nurse. And again with the clipboard. She slowly walks over to me with a smile. While I watch the detective leave. " We are glad to inform you that you'll be discharged soon! We'll move you to a different room now that we have just finished treating you're injuries. "
I was really glad that it would all work out. Well, it's progress. I'll get back soon, I hope. 

" Thank you ma'am! But, may I ask. How long was I in a coma for? " I asked " Wha- how'd you know? " Heh.. I may or may have not got into a lot before, but I couldn't tell them that " Just a hunch " she look like she didn't believe it. But shrugged it off.  "  2 weeks " I wasn't that surprised tho. " Ah. I see.. " I replied back.

They got me on the wheelchair and was pushing me in the hallways. As I started to go deeper into the hospital, I noticed it looked more like a school. " Are we in the hospital? " I asked the person pushing my wheelchair. " No, we are in one of the most famous hero schools! U.A! "
So there's hero schools.. interesting. I finally arrived to where I was supposed to be. There were some people, or students I should say. They looked at me curiously . Probably cause I was never really here as a student.

The nurse helped me up on the bed and gave me a remote explaining how it works. I nodded back in understanding, the nurse then left the room. I looked around to see some of the students still glancing at me. I gently wave back at them, the blue haired girl and blonde dude waved back at me. But the purple head just looked like he was holding in his poop.

"I don't think we saw you before! I'm Mirio Togata! " the blonde spoke up " I'm Nejire Hado! And the guy behind us is Tamaki Amajiki! We're 2nd years! Also. What's that thing on your ear? What's your name to! What about a quir- " she was talking to much that I was about to blow a fuse . Luckily Mirio hushed her. " Thank you, and I'll answer the questions I hear alright? " They both nodded , and a slight one from Tamaki.
" I think this ear piece helps me understand and talk your language since I'm not from here. " and how do I know this? The language pill I took only lasts a few hours. And since I was in a coma for a about 2 weeks , it should've wore off a long time ago. Yet I was able to talk and understand what the nurse was saying.

" And my quirk is Elemental Manipulation.. and my name is Boboiboy Amato! " I said , the both gave the [ :o ] look . " How does your quirk work? " Mirio asked. " I can control 7 elements.. but the side affect is that my personality changes with every element I use. I also have to be in a certain form so my body can handle whatever I'm about to use. " Another half truth- half lie. I didn't mention to them that I could split. And I don't plan to. I only told the detective and he would tell the higher ups, but I also said not to tell others that I could split . Only the heroes and more people he planned to tell. " Wah! That's a pretty strong quirk Amato! You should definitely apply for U.A in the exams! "
Nejire said to me in astonishment .

" Just Boboiboy is fine! And you really think so? " I asked back nervously. Mirio gave me a warm smile " I know so. " I smiled back , these people were really nice.. I laid back down and said " I'll rest for a bit, thanks again " slowly closing my eyelids..

A/N :
I have a question to ask ya'll. Should I use the elementals Malay names or English?
Cause I'll be using English for now since it would be easier for some of you to understand.

┉ˏ͛ ༝̩̩̥͙ ⑅͚˚   ҉  ⑅͚˚ ͛༝̩̩̥͙ ˎ┉
Monday , July 25 2022

┉ˏ͛ ༝̩̩̥͙ ⑅͚˚   ҉  ⑅͚˚ ͛༝̩̩̥͙ ˎ┉Monday , July 25 2022

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Boboiboy Meets My Hero AcademiaWhere stories live. Discover now