Chapter 1: A Two Faced Problem

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"Peter, no!" I snapped, "I'm not taking 5 crazed Loonatics into my house!" Peter fiddled with his fingers.

"Please, Y/N?" He begged. "I took in your cats while you were at the beach a few months ago!"

I narrowed my eyes. "That's a little different, Parker."

Peter thought for a moment. "Can you take care of them for one night? I'm going to work on their cures with MJ and Ned and I don't want them..interfering..."

I rubbed my eyes. I didn't want to take care of these multiversal villains, but one night couldn't hurt.

"Alright, I'll do it." I said. Peter's eyes glowed.

"Great, I'll go get them!" He smiled. He quickly dashed away. I waited by the door worried about what I was going to come in contact with. To be honest I wasn't wrong as immediately I was confronted by the strangest people.

"Y/N meet Dr Norman Osborn, Dr Otto Octavius, Dr Curtis Connors, Dr Max Dillion, and Flint Marko." Peter introduced them all one by one.

I stared at them for a long time. Osborn looked like a frail old man, Octavius had four mechanical tentachicals coming out of his back, Connors was a giant lizard, Dillion was a man with the powers of electricity, and Marko was a literal sandman.

"Oh, good job, Peter! You already scared her!" Otto snapped.

"Well, I gotta go! I'll leave these guys to you!." Peter dashed off and I stood there stunned.

I shuffled the five in. They all tried to settle somewhere. Otto and Norman sat at the dining room table discussing something. Flint sat on the couch apologizing for causing a sandy mess. Max was messing with my T.V. Connors stood next to me the entire time. He obviously wasn't comfortable.

"Anyway I can make you more comfortable, Connors?" I asked. My apartment wasn't the largest. My biggest room was actually my own.

"Is there any space larger than this one?" He asked. We were in the kitchen that connected to the front door. The kitchen overlooked the living room which led to a pair of stairs that went up to the second floor. The second floor contained a bathroom, a spare room, and a closet. The stairs laid on the right side of the T.V. My bedroom lay on the other.

"Come with me." I said. He followed me to my room. I too had a bathroom connecting to my room and of course a closet. Connors walked in and immediately curled up on the floor to sleep. I let him be and closed the door to my bedroom. I walked back out and Flint eyed me suspiciously. I sat down next to him and tried to make conversation. He didn't seem interested, he was more worried about his daughter he told me. I asked him about her and saw a small smile spread across his face. No one had taken the time to comfort him since he got here. I listened to him talk about his daughter for over an hour. She sounded like a sweet girl. After a while Otto started getting angry again.

"So, we're being held here like prisoners?!" He had challenged me. I wasn't in the mood for his antics as Flint had just started a story about his daughter learning how to ride her bike.

"Octavius, just rest for a little bit. You don't have to stay with me for long. Heck, Connors is fast asleep in my room right now." I retorted. Octavius eyed me funny.

"Curt Connors...strange to think how he's changed from universe to universe..." Octavius looked at Norman.

"Is there a version of him in your universe?" I asked him.

Octavius grinned and said, "Maybe."

I turned my head back to listen to the rest of Flint's story. Otto was just being a prick.

* Curt didn't know where he was. First, he was teaching classes at the university and now he was in the middle of the street. He had recently been helping Peter with some sort of black mysterious goo and he wondered if that somehow caused his strange predicament. Though he found himself confused when he saw that Peter's identity as the Spiderman was revealed...and the person he saw didn't look like the Peter he knew. He wondered if anyone noticed he was gone from the university as he didn't even know where the university was anymore. His research on lizards would sadly have to wait...he was so close to being able to test it on himself...something zipped past his ear.

"You are trespassing in the wrong universe, sir." A man floated down from the sky.

"Who are you? How did you do that?" Curt was curious. Curious Curt as he had always been called.

"My name is Dr. Strange and you are in the wrong universe. Don't worry, my good old friend Spiderman will help you out. Not like he left me dangling over the grand canyon." The man growled. Curt noticed an open portal behind him. The man rambled on. "Wong had to get me out of that heck hole. Took him hours just to find me." Curt ran past the man towards the portal. Strange chased him. Curt moved out of the way just in time for Strange to fall into the portal. The portal closed out of nowhere.

"Well, I guess I should talk to this Spiderman..." Curt hissed and went to find the location of the web slinger.

* "Is everyone okay with pizza?" I called. Everyone turned to look at me. Connors emerged from my bedroom. Norman starts to laugh and I narrow my eyes at him.

"We are scientists, not messy gaming kids!" Norman laughed.

"You mean gamers." I corrected him. "How long have you been on the internet Norman?"

"Not enough for you to worry about, honey." Norman smiled an unsettling smile.

"You know I could go for a pizza." Connors smirked.

"I don't see the problem." Flint shrugged. Max nodded his head and Norman and Otto turned away from me. I brushed it off and ordered the pizza. Not too long after I sat on the floor with Connors as I described a project I was working on in one of my college classes.

"Very fascinating..." he pointed to a mechanical part that was sticking out of the tiny machine engine. "Here. If you rewire this section you can fit this part into the engine."

"Well, I'll be darned Connors. Everyone said you were a biologist!" I smiled and worked on the engine.

"Well, I am a man of many talents. I took a little engineering in Highschool." He grinned.

"Hey, girl!" Max called. I perked my head up and set the engine down.

"What do you need, Max?" I walked over to him.

"What are you doing talking to Connors?" He whispered to me.

"What are you talking about?" I asked. I was confused. Out of everyone except Flint, Connors was that least threatening. Why would Max be worried about me talking to him?

"I've been sensing things..." Max started. "I got on the internet earlier. I saw an article about an one armed man spotted on private property near the university. Just like Connors..."

I stood there for a moment puzzled. "I'm sure it's someone else. I mean there aren't two Con...wait." I paused. I turned to look at Flint, Otto, and Norman. "Uh, Otto, Norman, Flint! I need you all to tell me all you know about your Dr. Curt Connors."

Connors looked at me. Otto grinned as if he was going to enjoy this, Norman scowled, and Flint narrowed his eyes. I took a deep breath and prepared for the worst.

Spiderman No Way Home: The Connors ProblemWhere stories live. Discover now