Chapter 9: The Awakening

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Wake up

Wake up

Wake up

I awoke with a jolt. I was in a bed, one that was unfamiliar to me. I got up, fully dressed in new clothes. I wore a purple sweater with blue jeggings. I was shocked by the sudden change in clothing. I hated the thought that someone had changed them while I was knocked out. I decided to investigate after my weird awakening. I poked around the room for clues. It was a very neat and tidy bedroom. Everything had a place and it fit perfectly in its designated space. I was intrigued by the lack of photos and true décor. All there was was a picture of a lizard on the nightstand. It was bare. Disturbingly bare. I decided I wasn't going to get much from the bedroom so I went and opened the door. I poked a head outside, looking left to right, from one end of the hallway to another. No one. Absolutely, no one. I stepped out into the hallway, closing the door behind me. Both ends of the hallway were dark. I hadn't checked the window in the bedroom since the blinds had been closed, but it must have been dark outside. Well, someone had left the light on in that bedroom. The only question was who had done so. I decided to head right as I thought I saw the beginning of a staircase going downwards. I passed a window that had its blinds up, I was right. It was dark outside. The house seemed to have looked over the city. Whoever this house belonged to must have gotten a hefty paycheck. I soon found the staircase and trudged down slowly, making sure no one was going to jump out and kill me, or something like that. I noticed that towards the end of the staircase a light was on. I began to hear whispers as I got closer. The staircase led to the living room where I saw the T.V. was muted. I could see the silhouette of Flint, Peter, MJ, and Ned sitting in varied furniture in the room. They were not the ones talking though. I turned my head to the right where I saw Curt and Connors bantering. I couldn't make out what they were saying, but I knew something was wrong. I stepped off the staircase into the light, seeing if anyone would notice me. Peter looked up first. He must have sensed me. The others followed his gaze. They sat silently still. Everyone turned their attention towards Curt and Connors, who were not aware of my presence. Finally after what felt like hours they both looked at me. Connors had a glare on his face. I knew it wasn't meant for me, but he stormed off past Curt. He left the room leaving Curt alone in the kitchen.

"Y/N..." he said. He couldn't finish the sentence. I knew deep down that this wouldn't have happened if had not interfered earlier with his lizard form. Though, I had this even deeper feeling that it was because of me. That I had caused all of this. He looked at me with sorrow. He had regrets. Regrets I couldn't handle at the moment. Flint came up behind me and put a hand on my shoulder. I could see a concerned face, but as he looked at Curt he scowled. I looked back at Peter who looked like he was at his breaking point...or even past it. I wondered where May was. It was odd she wouldn't be here. MJ hugged him. Ned was tapping his foot nervously.

"What happened?" I finally asked. Flint looked at me but he avoided eye contact.

"'What happened!?'" Peter growled. "What happened was that your boyfriend over there just unleashed the power of the multiverse that Mr. Strange can't even fix! We are doomed! May is dead! How am I supposed to fix this! I never should have trusted you with the villains! I should have just sent them back!" Peter ran towards the front door. MJ jolted after him.

"Peter!" She yelled, but he was already gone. I hear ruffling from another room that must have been Connors. He emerged soon after the noise had stopped. He trudged over to Curt.

"I told you there would be consequences." He hissed. He had a lab coat on and a satchel bag. He made his way to the front door.

"Where are you going?" I asked running up to him.

"To fix the mess he started!" Connors snapped. "The Spider Men are missing, the universe is in shambles, and Osborn has started his uprising. We don't have much time."

He opened the door where a dark figure stood. It was Contour.

"We need to hurry. Osborn's stolen almost a quarter of all Oscorp technology." He handed Connors a list.

"Already? It's barely been a week. Let's get those cures as soon as possible! We need to get someone looking for the Peter Parkers floating around too." Connors ordered.

"I can look for the Peters." I said. Connors looked at me with worry.

"I don't know, Y/N, what if you get hurt?" Connors fretted.

"I can take care of myself. I can take Flint." I tried to make my face look conceivable.

"Hmm. Fine. Contour, you return to your position, I'll look for cures, Y/N will search for the Peter's, and Curt will stay with the kids." Connors listed. "But if anything goes wrong...just yell." he looked at me.

"Nothing will go wrong, I promise." I smiled. He nodded his head. I finally looked outside for the first time after I watched Connors and Contour leave. The sky was full of purple cracks. Cracks that seemed to grow larger by the minute. I barely knew what was happening, but I knew I had to fix what I had started. Starting with finding Peter...and any other version of him I may meet along the way.

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