Chapter 2: A Strange Meeting

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Curt grabbed a newspaper titled, "Spiderman a Hero or Menace?" from The Daily Bugle. He glared at the sheet of paper. Where was Peter? Why was here? Who could help him? He noticed a woman looking at a similar paper to him. She looked young and weirdly stressed. He remembered being stressed a lot at the University. Always tight deadlines for everything. He would always go home tired and wished it could all go away. Not even the next day he was taken from his universe and brought to another. He wondered if she also was from another universe, but thought it was stupid. People in this universe must also be stressed. He walked up to the women anyway.

"Uh, hi there! Sorry to bother you. I just thought you looked a little...stressed?" he asked. She looked back at him, tired.

"Oh, I just have been taking care of my friend's...friends?" She replied. She eyed him up and down.

"I can understand that being a hassle, unwanted house guests are very annoying." Curt added with a smirk.

"Say, your name wouldn't happen to be Curt it?" She asked.

He stood there for a moment. His eyes dark as he glared at the women. "How do you know my name?" he questioned softly. His voice is calm but his body language is fierce. The women stepped back.

"I found some friends of yours...Dr Otto Octavius and Dr Norman Osborn..." She said nervously.

He loosened. He took a breath. "You are a friend of Peter Parker aren't you? How else would you know Otto and Norman?" He clenched his teeth.

The woman bowed her head in shame. "Yes, I am his friend, but I understand that you are too...just not this version of him...anyways my name is Y/N."

She reached out a hand to him. He hesitated, but slowly took her hand into a shake.

"I'll lead you where you need to go." She smiles. He followed her. Calculating every move she made. She had a mix of cereals and oat meals in some reusable bags. He found this odd, but brushed it off. They walked a couple of blocks before getting to an apartment building. She struggled with the door, so Curt stepped in to her aid. They took the elevator and Curt began asking questions.

"So, Octavious and Osborn are in your apartment?" He asked.


"Anybody else up there?"


"Who? From where? From when?!"


She stepped off the elevator and rushed down the hallway to an apartment door. He followed her. She fiddled with her keys and unlocked the door.

"Hey everybody! I got breakfast!" She called to who ever was behind the door. Curt slowly peaked from behind the door. Five people surrounded the girl. Well, not all of them were people. Curt dropped his mouth in shock.

"OH, and everyone this is Dr. Curt Connors!" She smiled.

The lizard monster turned to look at him.

"Remarkable." The lizard remarked.

"Well, Connors, I hope you're satisfied." She replied.

"I must say, I look...different..." the lizard said.

Curt began stuttering. "Ba,ba,ba,me,me..."

"Aww, he's in shock." Electro laughed.

The Sandman glared at Curt. Otto and Norman walk over to Curt.

Otto smiled, "Glad to see you again...old friend."

Curt proceeded to pass out.

Spiderman No Way Home: The Connors ProblemWhere stories live. Discover now