Chapter 3: The Spider-verse

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Curt awoke in a bed. He was unfamiliar with his surroundings. No one he recognized was around, but a shocked looking 10 year old stood at the foot of the bed.

"OMG HE'S AWAKE SISSY! THE STRANGE MAN WITH ONE ARM!" He screamed as the familiar woman walked through the door. Curt tried to distance himself from the surrounding people. He wasn't sure of how much he could trust them, but of course, his fascination with this "multi-verse" was too strong. The woman held a bowl of cereal in her hands.

"How about you go make sand castles with Flint, Randy?" She suggested. The boy smiled and ran out of the room. She turned to look at Curt. "Morning! Or should I say afternoon?" She smiled and walked over to him, setting the cereal on the nightstand next to the bed.

"What happened?" He asked. She sat on the edge of the bed.

"Well, let's say you were a little 'shocked' per say. You passed out on my kitchen floor. I had to get Connors and Otto to move you." She began to giggle.

Curt hesitated before speaking, "So, that lizard monster is me?" She nodded her head.

"Believe me, it's strange. Though I have to admit Connors has balls compared to you." She grinned at him, mocking his incident earlier.

"Well, at least I'm not the lizard monster...why do you call him Connors instead of Curt?" He narrowed his eyes at her.

"Let's just say I had a friend once-"


The woman jumped up from her position on the bed. Something was wrong, but what?


What was wrong now. I rushed out from my bedroom to see Connors growling at Osborn.

"How dare you insult my name, Osborn!" Connors growled.

"Well, it's not too hard to do, honey." Norman grinned.

"You pensive, disgraceful, rat!"

"You mutant, airhead, reptile!"

Wow, were scientist insults bad.

"Okay, now everyone, let's calm down!" I snapped. I put a hand on Connors shoulder. He looked at me and backed up. Norman turned away. I looked at Randy who was luckily distracted by Flint, who nodded at me. Connors curled up on the floor to doze. I wanted to know why this fight broke out, but everyone avoided my eye contact. I headed back into the bedroom to see Curt had dozed off again. Perfect. I walked back out to see Flint and Randy who were playing around the coffee table in the living room.

"Thanks for watching my little brother, Flint." I said.

He smiled. "It's the least I can do. It's good to be around children again. I missed how carefree their worlds are."

I smiled as Randy finished building his sand castle. "Look big sis!" He smiled, "Finally something better than homework!"

Flint and I laughed. Randy was dropped off while Curt was asleep. Apparently my mom thought that I didn't have company. Boy did I wish I didn't.

"Did you see what happened?" I finally asked.

"I'm sorry, but no. I tried to muffle what I could, so Randy couldn't hear." He confessed, "I didn't know how bad it could get. I don't know these people as well as some know each other. Osborn as Octavius and Connors has Dillion. Who do I have?"

"Me." I replied. I could tell Flint needed someone. It must be harder for him here. He wasn't wrong about Osborn and all that.

"You know Connors missed you this morning." He started out of the blue.

Spiderman No Way Home: The Connors ProblemWhere stories live. Discover now