Chapter 7: Divided Attention

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Y/N's POV"Can you two please just leave me alone!" I snapped and slammed the door to my bedroom. I sat on the other side of the door holding my knees. How did it come to this? I panicked...that was it right? Then I heard the banging on the door.*2 days before* "Alright, Aright." Flint said as he took my coat. I had gone out to check on Peter. Everyone sat around me as they waited for the news from Peter. "Okay, Peter told me that they found more multiversal trespassers and that he needs more time to account for them all...and make cures." I started."Make cures?" Norman growled as he was now free from the webbing. "Peter wants you, I guess. He wants to change your fate." I said."Change our fate!" Octavius hissed, "He's trying to fix us! Like a dog? I'll pass!" Octavius motioned towards the window before his mechanical arms froze. "I have a new friend." I smirked as I held out my arm. I had the arm band Peter had given me when I last saw him. It was able to control Dr Octavius' tentacles. It also was enchanted to send any villain who presented a threat to a cell. I think Ned said it was in some wizard's basement or something. I moved him back to where he originally was sitting. Randy stared in awe at the arm band. Octavius growled. "Extraordinary." Norman said as he came closer to me. He seemed genuinely intrigued compared to some of his other moods. Flint stopped Norman from getting too close as he didn't trust him. Max rolled his eyes as he went over to show Randy some tricks he knew with his electricity. I looked over at the Curts. They seemed interested but distant still. They kept looking at each other with small glares "Are you two okay?" I asked them. Curt looked like he was going to speak before Connors hit him on the back of the head with his tail. "We are just swell." Connors remarked. I knew he was lying. Connors never said, "swell" and Curt was never this agitated. "Okay then." I smiled. I looked over to Flint and whispered, "Can you keep an eye on them while I handle Osborn and Octavius?" Flint clenched his teeth. He wasn't on the best terms with the Curts. "Fine," he said. I thanked him as I guided Osborn and Octavius to the dining room. Flint's POV (I've been waiting to write this)I don't think I've ever been tormented this much by anyone in my entire life...and that's saying a lot. "Why would you respond with 'swell'!" Curt snapped."Well, I don't like to lie to Y/N!" Connors roared back. I was surprised Y/N wasn't hearing this, but considering everything on her mind these two were the least of her worries. She knew they could handle themselves and trusted them enough to leave them on their own. She trusted me more and sadly that comes at a price...babysitting. Randy I could handle but a lizard man and a college professor...that was something else. "You tipped her off! If she thinks we're misbehaving-" Curt was cut off."She'll spend more time with us." Connors interjected."She has more important things to do!" Curt said with an angered face."Well how much time will we have with her before we go back to nothing!" Connors snapped. Curt paused and I turned my head to face them. Connors stormed off to Y/N's room and shut the door. "Connors?" Y/N said getting up from the dining table. "Flint what happened?""It doesn't matter!" Curt yelled as he went up the stairs to his temporary bedroom. As much as I hated the two...I couldn't tell Y/N the cause. These two would not be able to handle her finding out so soon in this way. Y/N already had so much on her plate and didn't need two of the same person in love with her. "They just had a simple argument, that's all." I said, "It was over how..." I didn't know what to say so I went with the one thing they had patronized me for the past few days. "What?" Y/N asked."About how I drink water...and eat and stuff." I spat out. "Oh." she said. "Well, I need to finish up with Octavius and Osborn...I'll let them cool off."She walked back towards the dining room. I stood there. I just witnessed a weird love triangle and had to mention me drinking water...perfect. I was a little stunned to be fair. I thought that maybe I had been a little wrong about the Curts...but we all had problems. My daughter was dying and I just wanted to go home. Osborn and Octavius were threats, Max was temporarily good, and the Curts just needed to push through. They should have known not to get I had once.Connors POVI sat on the floor of Y/N's bedroom as I thought through what I had said.Well how much time will we have with her before we go back to nothing!Why had I said that out loud? Ugh. I might as well go back to my universe now...Knock, knock, knock. "Hey Connors, you okay in there?" Y/N called from the other side of the door. "Can I come in?""Sure." I responded sharply. She opened the door slowly before stepping into the room. She closed the door behind her as she came to sit in front of me."How are you feeling?" she asked. "I'm was just a simple argument." I responded."It didn't sound like a simple argument." She said as she touched my hand? Claw? Talon? I should have shifted away but I let her hand linger on mine. "Things are complicated at the moment. I think it would be for the best that we all have some alone time." I told her as I stared at the floor. "And that includes you, Y/N." She looked at me before giving me a hug. I shouldn't have felt so happy for her hug but I did. I shouldn't have...but who could resist. I just wish the timing was better as I saw Curt in the doorway. "Curt." I said before he slammed the door. Y/N moved away from me. "What was that?" She asked. I stood up and opened the door. "Flint, where did Curt go?" I said as I walked out of the room. "Why are you always asking me!..." Flint snapped, "He left the apartment." "Thanks Flint!" I yelled as I rushed out of the apartment. "You're weak, Marko." Max said. "Yeah I know." Flint said.Curt's POV:I didn't know where I was going. I felt like I was running for hours. I heard Connors behind me. I overreacted and I knew that. Something didn't feel right in me though. I hid in an alley way as Connors passed. I climbed through an open window that led into a pub. At least I thought it was a pub. It looked like it was in someone's basement. I looked around. There was a kitchen with the living room being the "pub". There was a pool table and a dart board. Beer was everywhere. I was never really a drinker in the past so I was a little uncomfortable. "Hello?" I called. A man came trudging down the stairs. "Hey! You're not supposed to be here!" The man looked like he was maybe 17-18? He had some green like mold on his face and other parts of his body. "This is my hideout buddy!""I don't plan to stay long. I was hiding from someone." I said."Exactly, this is my hideout!" He snapped. He began to wheeze a little."Who are you?" I asked. "You aren't from here are you?" "Fine. I'm not from here! It doesn't seem like you are either." He laughed."My name is Dr Curt Connors." I said, holding out my arm. "Wait. You're the doctor who tried to turn the entire city into lizards?" He asked with peaked curiosity. "What?" I said. "You look different. You're not blond and..." He looked me up and down. "Well, you aren't a lizard.""Who says I wasn't cured?" I snapped."Well, the news showed a lizard, not a man in this universe." He smirked.I was silent. The other version of me had caused some issue bigger than my own in his universe apparently. If that was him...the infinite amount of universes..."Harry Osborn." he smiled. "Harry? Peter's friend? You don't look like-""Oh, you know Peter too? Could you point me in the right direction? I have a little bone to pick with him." Harry's smile grew larger. "I don't think the Peter you know is here...but I can lead you to Spiderman." I grinned."Excellent." He turned to leave. "Wait!" He looked over his shoulder. "Not unless you help me first." "And why should I trust that you won't leave me to rot?" He growled."Why should you trust that I won't lead you away from Spiderman?" I smirked."Fine. Let's get planning then."I don't know what prompted me to make a deal with this man. Something inside told me to do it. A voice. A voice that sounded a lot like my lizard friend's. This could also get me close to Y/N. Desperate times call for desperate measures.Y/N POV:It's been 2 days since the two left. I had no idea what was going on and everything was becoming more and more overwhelming. "Y/N we need to order more food." "Y/N we need to check on Peter's cures.""Y/N Randy needs help with his homework.""Y/N Otto tried to break out again."It was too much. "I need a break!" I yelled. "The Curts aren't back and Octavius keeps trying to escape.""Well, honey, maybe if you didn't keep us inside this prison!" Norman snapped as he moved closer to me. "You don't have your two lap dogs to protect you anymore." Otto grinned. I stood next to my bedroom. I quickly ran into my room."Can you two please just leave me alone!" I snapped and slammed the door to my bedroom. I sat on the other side of the door holding my knees. How did it come to this? I panicked...that was it right? Then I heard the banging on the door.

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