Chapter 4: The Shadow of a memory

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"You can't be serious." Curt glanced at Y/N. Luckily, she was still asleep.

"I'm afraid it is true. I trust you with this are me afterall." Connors said as he glared at Max and Flint, hoping they couldn't hear their conversation. Connors had pulled Curt under the table to try to protect them from unwanted ears.

"Just like two of a lizard, one a spider, one a woman..." Curt inferred.

"No Crap Sherlock! Had to make it obvious." Connors growled.

"The sad part is that I have to say it like that for my students at the college! The only people who could understand me most of the time were Peter Parker, Gwen Stacey, and Connor-"

"You had a Peter and Gwen too?" Connors' eyes widened.

"I did. I guess that makes sense, Connors...should I call you Connors...or Curt...or Curt 1...Curt 2..." Curt trailed off. This was an interesting predicament. It is understandable for there to be two Curts in a room...but two Curt Connors...who looked nothing alike...who somewhat don't even share the same personality...were one room...for what could be forever.

"Call me Connors...that's what Y/N calls me." The Lizard smiled.

"I'll be Curt then I guess." He returned the smile. Connors nodded, a sorrow falling over his face. Curt fiddled with the jacket he was wearing. A silence, an uncomfortable silence, fell over them. Curt looked over at Max. He was surprised that the very stuck up man had joined Randy and Sandman to play games. He could hear the three laughing in front of the T.V. He also saw that Norman and Otto were waking up from their encounter earlier.

"Can I ask you something?" Connors said. Curt turned his head.

"Of course." His eyes met Connors.

"Your wife and you miss them? Even if one of them...left you?" Connors' eyes were swelling with tears.

Curt hesitated. It had been years since he had seen Martha and Billy.

"They left...7 years ago. I miss them...sometimes. I know I have to move on, but it's so hard. The day they left it felt like my whole world fell apart. I had no one. Later, I thought Peter and Gwen were people who I cared about and who cared about me...but that wasn't true. Peter changed and Gwen...she passed. To be true, I miss them more at this point. I hope Connor is okay. He was my prodigy...I hope he didn't end up here." Curt held his knees with his arm.

"I guess we're not as different as I thought." Connors smiled, "Also you have a prodigy named 'Connor'...Connors." He laughed. Curt smiled and giggled. They smiled at each other.

"Why are you two under a table?" Randy asked. He had walked over to them while they were talking.

"We were playing hide and seek." Curt climbed out from under the table. Randy looked confused.

"You guys are really bad at this game." He snickered and ran off to see Flint. Connors squeezed out from under the table. Curt turned to see Y/N being to stir awake.

"Should we tell her?" Curt asked.

"No." Connors said firmly as he walked away towards the kitchen. Randy followed him. He kept jumping on his tail. Curt walked over to Flint and Max.

"Hey, guys!" Curt said. He sat on the floor next to them. Flint smiled at him.

"Nice of you to finally join us." Flint remarked as he took the T.V. remote from Max. "He'll be back, Dillion. I wouldn't change it if I were you." Max glared at him and electrically changed the channel himself.

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