Chapter 8: The Next Step

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Green. Green is the color of harmony and growth...or the color of the ass hole kidnapping me. At first, I thought Norman had finally snapped. This, this was different.

"A small price to pay for Spiderman." He laughed. We were on a glider flying through New York City. My mouth was bound and I was tied up. The man had green mold growing around the edges of his face and the rest of his body. I struggled but his grip tightened around my waist. I could hear for a split second the sounds of Sandman and Norman yelling at each other. I could see the sand from Flint begin to circle the glider. I heard the sounds of mechanical arms, electricity, and another glider. Suddenly Norman and his son Harry appeared in front of the newcomers glider. Norman, now riding his son's own glider, smiled wickedly at the man.

"I'm afraid this lovely broad is ours." Norman smirked.

"And who might you be!?" The man snapped.

"That doesn't matter!" Flint snapped. The sand started flooding the propellers of the flying aircraft. The man got a bomb out of the glider and throws it at Norman. Otto uses his mechanical arms to catch me. The man got another bomb and throws it towards me. The bomb is quickly snatched by a web. I look to see...not Peter? It was a purple female version of Peter's Spiderman costume.

"Oh, no." Otto mumbled before the Spider woman threw the bomb back at the man. The man and the glider fell to the ground. Otto unbound my mouth as everyone lowered to the ground to see the man once more.

"No!" He snapped. He was badly hurt. Blood was running out of gushing wounds and scratches across his body. The Spider woman landed in front of him as she turned to look at me. Otto undid the rope I was tied in and set me down. Flint returned to his Sandman body and Max joined us too. Norman and his son set down on the ground standing over the man.

"Who are you?" Norman questioned. Harry stood next to him, silent and cold.

"That's no of your concern!" The man growled back.

"Is he another version of you, Norman?" I asked. The man glared at Norman. You could see the gears turning in his head.

"Norman...Dad?" He looked astonished. "You don't look like him..." the man's eyes grew wide.

"Dad?" Norman repeated. He looked confused as he looked at his son, Harry.

"Harry Osborn." The man said, raising out a hand to Norman.

"Harry?" Norman stepped back from him.

"Impossible." Norman's son said. "I'm Harry Osborn! I'm his son!" You could see anger grow on his face.

"You." Max growled. "You were the one who got me killed!"

"You're wrong about that, Max." The other Harry said. "Peter is the one that killed you. It was him and Gwen-"

"I'm tired of your excuses." Max snapped as he shot a bolt of lightning at the other Harry.

"NOO!!" A voice roared. I snapped my head to see what looked like Connors jumping in front of Harry. It wasn't Connors though. The Green color was off on the giant lizard's body. He had pants on which made me snicker a little, but the beast turned his cold gaze towards me. He growled at me. His pupils became slits.

"I think I pissed him off." I whispered to Otto.

"Who would have guessed!" Otto replied sarcastically. The lizard monster ran towards me. I braced for impact but the purple spider pushed me out of the way. The lizard was fighting Otto's arms as Norman got out another bomb. The other Harry pulled Norman down to the ground as normal Harry began to punch other Harry and yeah...

There was a lot. There was fighting. There were relationships, broken by greed and ambition. I'm sure this has all been very confusing...but there is an explanation. Little did I know that Peter had arrived with the magical box. He had detected enough multiversal travelers with Dr Strange to warrant a visit. He saw the commotion. He saw how far this had all gone. In Peter's attempt to escape, the other Harry threw a bomb into the magical box. It exploded sending the multiverse into crumbles. I remember that I was shot back by a strong force. I remember the lizard monster grabbing me as a white light took over my senses. I was in New York, but not my New York. It was different, there were jumbo screens with a different looking Spiderman on them. I sat in the middle of the street with the lizard monster as cars skidded to a halt. People crowded us as they gasped and pointed at the monster. The lizard monster dug something out of the pocket of his pants that he began to drink. He began to look more human. Not too long after I would see that it was Curt. I was light headed. I felt cold scales lift me and Curt up. I passed out after that.

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