Chapter 6: Connors Investigates

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Connors POV

"I have already questioned Flint and the answers to all my questions are still not seen..."

"Really?! You questioned me!?"

"Don't interrupt my audio logging!...end of audio log one." I ended my first cassette recording. Flint was glaring at me. He had become extremely grumpy after the day before. Both Curt and I must have annoyed him or something. Y/N finally got some sleep and Curt was on the computer all morning.

"Why are you using a cassette? Just get one of their more advanced phones to record yourself." Flint rambled. I was pretty sure he was near his breaking point.

"Go hang out with Randy! I'm going to do some investigating!" I said as I walked over to the box next to the kitchen table. I had found the cassette there and noticed another dust covered computer was inside. I booted it up with my amazing skills. Working at Oscorp has taught me plenty of things including starting a computer. I just realized how stupid that sounds. The first thing I looked up was my name. I was interested in seeing if there was a version of myself here in this universe. I found nothing or value. I was disappointed but relieved as I didn't want another awkward situation to deal with.

"Audio log two. I have booted up an old computer that may have the answers to my problems. I found nothing on myself existing in this universe, but I plan to investigate everyone in this room!"

"UGH!" Everyone around me groaned.

"Oh, I'm just trying to learn something about this universe!" I mocked in a higher pitched voice. Curt threw a shoe at me.

"AGH!" I roared.

"That is a specific reason I'm glad I'm not a lizard, I can throw shoes at you! Also sorry because you know you're me and I'm you. You're like a brother to me...blah...blah" Curt rambled on for a while but I tuned him out.

"End of audio log two." I concluded as I looked up Y/N's name on the interweb. She had a pretty average life it seemed. I scrolled through some Instagram posts to see what she had been up to before us Curts ruined her life. I didn't like thinking about that. How we made her life probably a living hell. She was like a babysitter taking care of super powered children. Three of them were in the "Time out corner" meaning the web's that tied up Norman, Otto, and Harry still hadn't dissolved. She had the caring kid, Flint who helped the younger kid who was Randy. She had Max who mostly ignored everybody so she rarely had to deal with him. Then she had twins which were me and Curt. Two people (If I even am a person anymore) who are supposed to be the same...but aren't. Curt is so caring and tries his best to help everybody even if he's annoying. He'd done so much for Y/N the night before. What had I done? Probably been a thorn in her side. Had I caused her mental breakdown? I was the one who interfered with her and Contour. I didn't know. I was lost at the time, but I found something interesting in the google search of her name. There was a news article. "Teenager killed in car crash after driver said she "Saw a red monster"!" I was intrigued. Why would something like this appear under a pretty average person's google search. I skimmed through the article mostly, but I was shocked when I read that the teenager who died was named, "Connor Hughes". Wasn't that Contour? Things were starting to make sense. No wonder she would be shocked by his reappearance. The red monster thing intrigued me more though. Flint had mentioned a black goo that the red thing had a close resemblance to. She said in the article that the monster brought her the darkest Carnage. I took a mental note and quietly logged the information on the cassette. Now I had the context for Y/N's problems, but what about Curt? To be fair, I wasn't the best at conversation. So I googled "How to get a person to tell you information" most answers involved violence. I wasn't exactly going to torture him but if I had to...

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