Chapter 4- That name is taboo to her, she'll blow up whoever mentions it!

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The two went to the barbecue stall in front of the school, and Soobin ordered a lot, however, when she was almost finished eating, she found that her professor had not eaten at all. 

Park Soobin blushed out of embarrassment and asked, “Professor, why don’t you eat something?”

Hyunjung shook her head, “You eat, I don’t need anything.”

Soobin felt awkward, “It’s embarrassing if I’m the only one eating.”

Hyunjung didn’t understand what she was embarrassed about and only said, “Eat.” 

Park Soobin wanted to dig a hole and hide in it, however, she could only grit her teeth and continue eating. As she stuffed the food into her mouth, she took out her phone and started playing a video. 

Hyunjung, who was lost in thought, suddenly heard a familiar voice. 

Wasn’t that…

“Professor, do you watch any live streams?” Soobin asked while watching the video on her phone. 

Hyunjung’s heartbeat accelerated a bit as she hesitantly asked, “What’s a live stream?”

Park Soobin looked at her with a baffled look, “If you don’t even know this, you must not go online a lot then, huh?”

What Soobin had guessed hit the nail on the head. Hyunjung’s life followed a very strict schedule, so generally except for sleeping, eating, or teaching students, she spent most of her time in the laboratory.

Seeing as Hyunjung was silent, Soobin took it as a sign of agreement. However, not only did she not find this strange, she even had a trace of a worshipping look in her eyes.

Although Hyunjung was a solemn and serious person, who was careful with her words, her classes were always filled to the brim with information. Well, this heavy workload was quite manageable, it wasn’t her fault her lectures and features were both amazing. Students nowadays really appreciated a person’s beauty more than their personality. 

Compared to today’s materialistic and fickle society, Professor Kim was like a cool breeze in the summer air, soothing your heart.

Hyunjung didn’t care about what Soobin was thinking, she only cared about the voice she had heard just now. 

“Are you watching a live stream right now?” she carefully asked. 

Soobin blinked at the Professor’s question, “Uh, yeah, I like this streamer a lot!” She said as she turned her screen to show Hyunjung.

In the video, a girl was facing the camera with a sweet smile, happily chatting about something. 

Needless to say, this person was Jiyeon.

The only difference from the last time is that the Jiyeon in the video appeared more dazzling, her face all dolled up with heavy makeup. 

Hyunjung froze as she stared distractedly at Jiyeon’s half-exposed white and tender shoulder, her brows furrowing at the sight. 

“Does she not sleep at all?” Hyunjung asked another question.

Soobin shook her head, “No, this is a recording of the stream from yesterday.” Then she muttered under her breath, “Strange, usually at this time, Jiyeon unnie would still be playing games. How come today’s stream already ended…”

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