Chapter 12- Showing affection

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Jiyeon didn’t want to meet her classmates. The women loved to compare their children and those without children liked to compare their husbands. The men also competed with each other. Those with good careers boasted about their jobs, and those without bragged about how many girls in the company flirted with them. Some even bragged about how much money they hid from their wives. 

Maybe it was because their families pressured them, or they genuinely wanted to live their days with somebody,  most of her classmates got married immediately after graduation. This made Jiyeon’s hasty marriage seem inappropriate, especially when she got married to someone after one blind date.

They would eat dinner somewhere and then go to karaoke afterward, the same tedious and boring routine. 

Before going, her roommate specifically called Jiyeon to remind her to dress properly. 

Out of common courtesy, Jiyeon cleaned herself up a little and then dressed conspicuous crimson dress. Since she and Hyunjung only recently officialized their marriage, it was only natural to wear something festive and joyful.

The dinner was at a Japanese restaurant and Jiyeon hated Japanese food the most. So on the way there, she stopped by a pan-fried dumpling place and ate her fill. 

So with a full stomach, Jiyeon stepped into the restaurant in a good mood. 

When Jiyeon arrived, almost everyone was already there. 

Seeing her, several ‘male classmates’ called out to her, each one stepping over each other to offer her a seat. 

“Jiyeon why did you only arrive now? We’ve been waiting for a while!”

“That’s right, some of us couldn’t wait!”


Jiyeon: ….

Jiyeon frowned so slightly that no one noticed, sat down, and said, “Sorry, the traffic was bad on the way here.”

The college roommate next to her, quickly motioned at Jiyeon to look at the other person next to her.

She glanced sideways. There was a gentle-looking man, wearing gold-rimmed spectacles, sitting on her right. The man gave her a shy look as if he was embarrassed. 

Jiyeon had a faint memory of the man. They had eaten together once before she graduated from university. 

The dishes were served and the atmosphere became lively. 

At this moment, somebody brought up Jiyeon:

“Jiyeon is a famous blogger now, an internet celebrity with millions of fans!” 

“Yes, I know. I’ve watched some of Jiyeon’s blogs, they’re pretty good.”

“Wow, it’s so cool that you can sing in front of so many people, I would never be able to….”

“With your thin face, you’ll never be able to do it! Haha.”

Jiyeon: ….

“What would you like to eat? Is shrimp ok?” Suddenly a deep-fried shrimp covered in mayonnaise landed on her plate. 

The corners of Jiyeon’s mouth twitched, “Thank you.” 

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