Chapter 14-Turns out Professor Kim is an idiot

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The research project in the Biology lab had been going smoothly ever since Hyunjung came, so originally Professor Zhang planned to invite Hyunjung and two others to celebrate at a restaurant. However, after he met  Jiyeon he decided to do something easier. 

“Hmm, how about we just go to my house and eat some dumplings.” Not caring for their opinions, he called home to let his wife know, and the matter was settled. 

Naturally, as her wife, Jiyeon went with Hyunjung. If it was just the two of them, then it would’ve been fine. However, the other two were graduate students who always follows behind Hyunjung. They never expected that their Professor Kim was married, and with a girl around their age too!

Therefore, the atmosphere was a little strange. 

After leaving Professor Zhang’s house, Jiyeon smiled at the two male students in a ‘friendly’ manner and asked, “Where do you two live? Would you like Professor Kim to drive you home?”

The two students both jumped at those words and quickly shook their heads, “N-No need! We live in the dorms, so we can walk home!”

Jiyeon glanced at Hyunjung, who nodded back. She laughed, “Alright, then Professor Kim and I will be leaving first.” 

After getting in the car, Jiyeon immediately laughed, “Just how scary are you? Those two boys couldn’t wait to leave! Hahahaha.” 

Hyunjung felt something wasn’t right and reversed the car, “The matter between Soobin and I isn’t what you think it is. She is a student and child, she would never feel that way towards me…”

“Even a blind man can see that she likes you!” Jiyeon’s smile disappeared. If Hyunjung hadn’t mentioned it would’ve been fine, but just thinking about it made Jiyeon angry. 

“Does she look for you every day? Maybe saying things like, ‘Professor I don’t understand this’ or ‘Professor give me a make-up lesson’ and even something like ‘Professor let’s eat together’?” Jiyeon leaned back, forcing a fake smile. 

Hyunjung frowned, “How did you know?”

This made Jiyeon even angrier, “Oh, so it really does happen! How many times has she asked you?”

Seeing Jiyeon’s reaction, Hyunjung panicked, “Jiyeon an, just listen to me…”

Jiyeon: “….”

Hyunjung: “…?”

Jiyeon: “Well, I’m listening, say something.”

Hyunjung: “…”

In her heart, Jiyeon knew that Hyunjung was not the type to cheat on her. However, she needed to make Hyunjung understand how to reject others and not cause misunderstandings with her students. 

“Did you not see that girl cry? She cried because of you!” Jiyeon continued, “Do you not understand what an outstanding treasure you are? Why else would she cling to you?” 

Hyunjung: “…” Is she praising me or scolding me?

When they returned home, Jiyeon remembered something and blocked Hyunjung at the door, and asked fiercely “I forgot to ask you, but where did you learn to k-kiss like that? Did you kiss someone else before?!”

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