Chapter 6-This is a betrothal gift

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Her mom set the dishes on the table and greeted Jiyeon, “I made a little more for lunch, and since your father is still out, we can finish the food first.” 

Jiyeon: “….”

This was the first time the mother and daughter pair had nothing to say to each other, well to be exact, it was Jiyeon who had no idea what to say. 

She didn’t know how to break the news to her unsuspecting mother. 

Wouldn’t her mother be scared to death if her daughter suddenly told her that she got married?!


“Wait, let me guess. Yesterday you were on your period, so what is it today? Depression?” her mom picked up a piece of braised pork and set it in Jiyeon’s bowl, “Here, eat some more. Everything will be fine after eating good food made by your mother.” 

Jiyeon: “….” 


“Can you not eat now either…”

“I got a marriage certificate.”

Mom: “???”

Jiyeon pulled a long face: “Yesterday I drank too much and my mind wasn’t sober. I was confused and…”

“Male or female?”

Jiyeon: “….”

“Tell me~” her mom blinked twice in expectation. 

Jiyeon couldn’t believe what was happening, “Fine! It was Hyunjung. Are you satisfied now??” 

Her mom’s eyes widened, “Are you sure it was Kim Hyunjung?”

Jiyeon threw her marriage certificate at her. 

She flipped open the little red book and then exclaimed happily, “Aiya! The photos turned out so well!”

Jiyeon: “….”

“Where is our Hyunjung right now?”


“Say something!”


Her mother quickly stood up, “Look at you! How can you let her wait downstairs? Hurry and call her up here!”

Jiyeon: “I’m not going. You can go by yourself.” 

Her mother left Jiyeon to personally open the door and bring Hyunjung upstairs.

Just what did Hyunjung mean by doing this? Jiyeon sat there, looking blankly at the marriage certificate in her hands. 

Although she knew that she had too much to drink yesterday, did Hyunjung drink too much as well?

A short while later, both of them arrived. Her mom came in first, with Hyunjung following closely behind. 

“Jiyeon go call your father and tell him to return home, immediately! I’ll go cook some more dishes while you two talk first. Ah, Hyunjung ah, you should stay for lunch and eat with us!”

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