Chapter 7-Sleep with me, I'm afraid to sleep alone

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They hadn’t even eaten dinner yet when her mom called to say, “I didn’t cook any food for you today so don’t return home. Anyhow, you’re married now so you can stay at Hyunjung’s place.” 

Jiyein was stunned, “Mom, you won’t even let me go home?”

Her mother  replied in a righteous and firm tone, “Hyunjung’s place is your home now!”

Then Jiyeon heard a beeping sound, indicating that the other party had hung up. 

Fine! If you don’t want me to go back then I just won’t! 

“Don’t leave, I want to make you something for dinner,” Hyunjung said to Jiyeon after she got off the phone with her mom. 

Jiyeon thought, Well, since I don’t have a home anymore and I’m going to stay here anyway, might as well eat something first. 

“Make whatever, I’m not picky.” 

Hyunjung paused when she saw Jiyeon’s unhappy expression, her fingers twitched and she had an urge to pinch Jiyeon’s cheeks. However, rationality won out in the end and her arms obediently stayed at her sides. 

Hyunjung didn’t know what Jiyeon liked so she made four dishes and a pot of soup. Two of the dishes were vegetarian and the other two were meat dishes. During lunch, she had noticed that Jiyeon ate over half of the braised pork dish, so she made one as well. 

“what's delicious…” Jiyeon’s eyes narrowed in happiness as she chewed, “You’re even better than my mom at cooking!”

Hyunjung smirked. 

“Oh, but don’t tell her that, or she’ll hit me!” 

Hyunjung said softly, “I can tell Mrs. Kim loves you dearly…”

Jiyeon understood Hyunjung’s words, and said, “Didn’t I tell you earlier to treat my family like your family? My mom likes you a lot. If she didn’t, then she would’ve set me up with another blind date already.”

Hyunjung: “…..”

Jiyeon had eaten a little too much that night. When she stood in front of the long mirror, she poked her waist, “I have a bad feeling that I’m going to wake up with two extra pounds tomorrow.”

Hyunjung glanced at her slender waist from a distance then quickly looked away again, not daring to let her gaze linger, “You should eat more. You’re too skinny.”

Jiyeon pouted, “What do you mean ‘too’ skinny? Just you wait! When we live together in the future, I’m going to grow fat just from eating your cooking!” 

However, Hyunjung had already stopped listening after Jiyeon spoke the two words, “live together” and the phrase echoed and repeated itself in her ears. It made her feel like all of this was just a pleasant dream. 

They finished cleaning up the dishes and then decided to watch a movie together. Sitting on the sofa, Hyunjung kept an eye on the clock. Around eight o’clock, Hyunjung gently tapped the sleepy Jiyeon on the shoulder. 

“It’s getting late, I’ll drive you home.” 

The Jiyeon who just woke up, felt confused, “What?”

Although she was reluctant to see Jiyeon go, she repeated her words. 

Jiyeon looked at her impatiently, “We’re married now, why would you want to kick me out?”

Hyunjung froze. 

Jiyeon laid back down on the sofa while pulling her hair free from its ponytail. “You can’t take me home anyways. My mother called and told me to stay with you tonight.” 

Hyunjung: “…..”

Thinking about it, they were both married now and there was no law stating they couldn’t live together. So why would Hyunjung want to drive her back?  Jiyeon thought about this and frowned. 

Hyunjung: “…..”

This was the first time she had anybody over, so she didn’t have another bed ready for her. Currently, she was contemplating whether or not she should sleep on the sofa, and then Jiyeon could take the bed.

Jiyeon stumbled out of the shower, wiping her hair and mumbling, “Why is your water so hot, my skin is all burned red now…” 

The bathrobe she wore was one size too big and tied loosely at the waist, revealing her delicate and slender neckline, the skin slightly blushing from the heat of the shower. 

Hyunjung watched, dumbfounded at the scene in front of her. 

Jiyeon was scalded by the hot water earlier, and anxiously said, “What are you standing there for? Hurry up and help me see if I did get burned or not.”

Hyunjung blinked, then walked over, her face burning red, “W-Where did you get burned?”

Feeling aggrieved, Jiyeon turned around and pointed, “It feels painful over here….”

Jiyeon had pointed at a broad area in the middle of her back. When she had carelessly turned on the shower, the hot water hit her back and even caused her to cry out in pain earlier.

Hyunjunf lifted her hand and gently parted Jiyeon’s long hair while watching for any changes in Jiyeon's pained expression. 

“I’ll go get the medicinal cream…can you take your bathrobe off first?” whispered Hyunjung. 

Jiyeon said nothing as she undid the string and let the bathrobe fall halfway down to her waist. 

Hearing nothing from the person behind her, Jiyeon looked back, “What are you waiting for? Do you want me to take it all off?”

Hyunjung’s face turned a deep shade of red and she hurried out the door. 

Jiyeon walked over and sat on the bed, fiddling with her bathrobe, the pain in her back made her very uncomfortable.

Hyunjung came back and sat down next to her, rubbing the cream onto her back without saying a word. Looking at the once snow-white back now burning red, she felt quite distressed at the sight.

“Owwww~ it hurts…be more gentle…” shouted Jiyeon with tears gathering in her eyes.  

Hyunjung: “…..” 

After applying for the medicine, Jiyeon mumbled softly, 

“I miss my home…I miss mom….”

Hyunjung looked at her with a complicated expression, “You can sleep here tonight, I’ll sleep on the couch.”

Jiyeon frowned and tilted her head, “Why would you sleep on the couch?”

Hyunjung: “…..” 

Jiyeon: “Sleep with me, I’m afraid to sleep alone…..” She wasn’t lying. She was afraid of sleeping alone in an unfamiliar and strange environment. 

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