Chapter 13- Deep Kiss

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The next day while Hyunjung went to work, Jiyeon went home to pick up a few items. Her mom had made a whole table full of dishes but told Jiyeon to bring it all to her wife.

“Eh? Why would I go? What era is this, and who personally delivers food anymore? I’m afraid the students will all laugh at me. Not to mention, I’m a celebrity now, what if they recognize me?!” Jiyeon was very reluctant to go. 

However, her mom steeled her heart and said, “This is a critical period for the two of you. You must cultivate more affection for each other!”

Jiyeon felt like she was gonna go crazy. She had barely eaten two bites herself and her mother was kicking her out of the house. Therefore, with nothing else she could do, she packed a lunch box for Professor Kim. 

When she arrived at the University, she sent a message to Hyunjung. 

Probably because Hyunjung was busy, she didn’t respond. So she could only explain the situation to the security guard before being let in. 

She asked around before she found the laboratory where Hyunjung worked at. 

In the hallway, she took out her phone and prepared to call Hyunjung, when she saw a group of people in white coats coming down the stairs. They seemed to be in a heated discussion, their hands waving around in the air. 

Jiyeon stood on her tiptoes, then saved at the youngest one, shouting, “Kim Hyunjung!”

The group all turned their heads around, including Hyunjung who froze. 

Hyunjung ran up to her, grumbling, “I called you, why didn’t you pick up?”

Hyunjung immediately reached into her pockets, finding that the familiar phone wasn’t there,, and dryly said, “I think I left it in my office…”

In a temper, Jiyeon held out the lunch box towards her, “Well, my mother asked me to bring you lunch.”

Hyunjung’s heart stopped and then blushing red reached out, “Sorry for all the trouble. G-Give my thanks to Mrs. Kim.” 

Jiyeon gave her a little push, “Who is this ‘Mrs. Kim’? If my mother knew you were calling her that she’d cry.”

“Uh, hoobae, who is this?” 

The standing to the side Professor Zhang asked curiously. For some reason, he felt like he’d seen Jiyeon from somewhere.

Hyunjung realized she hadn’t introduced Jiyeon yet and quickly pulled Jiyeon to her side. However before she could speak, Jiyeon spoke first, 

“Hello Professors, my name is Kim Jiyeon. I’m Professor Kim's wife.” 

Several of the old professors: “…..”

Hyunjung blushed and explained everything, with no intention of hiding the relationship. She was planning on informing them sooner or later by inviting them to her wedding. 

It took a while for the group to stop asking questions and when they left, Hyunjung let out a sigh of relief. She was no good when it came to dealing with such matters.

Jiyeon looked at her, a smile in her eyes, “Are you that afraid to introduce me to everyone? Am I embarrassing you?”


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