Chapter 11-It's not like we don't have a certificate!

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The trunk was filled to the brim, and even the back seat of the car wasn’t spared from the things Jiyeon bought from her so-called ‘shopping’ 

Hyunjung merely watched, without saying a word. 

In her opinion, as long as her wife was happy, then nothing else mattered. 

Previously, she had considered Jiyeon moving in with her and decided that they should wait until after the wedding. However, she couldn’t patiently wait anymore. 

Just thinking about their future together made Hyunjung’s cheeks feel hot. She secretly peeked at the girl beside her, who was solely concentrated on driving, and felt her chest fill up with some indescribable feeling. 

Although the supermarket wasn’t far from home, Jiyeon insisted on driving. Jiyeon had decided to work hard and become a ‘qualified and considerate’ lover so that the orphaned Professor Kim, who grew up without parents, could feel the warmth of a home. 

“If you want to look at me then just do it, no need to hide…it’s not like I’m going to bite you or anything.” At the red light, Jiyeon laughed and tilted her head at the professor who was peeking at her. 

However every time she got caught staring, Professor Kim couldn’t help but turn away and look outside the window. 

Jiyeon’s smile got larger, her eyes turning into crescent moons, “Professor Kim, how about letting me cook for you tonight?”

Hyunjung glanced back at her in surprise, she didn’t know that Jiyeon could cook. However, after thinking it through, even if Jiyeon could cook, she wouldn’t let her. After all, Jiyeon was probably exhausted from all the moving today.

After a slight pause, Hyunjung whispered, “No need for you to cook, I can do it instead.” 

Jiyeon raised an eyebrow, “Why? Are you doubting my cooking ability?”

Hyunjung quickly shook her head and said earnestly, “You need to take a break, you’ve been working all day.” 

Jiyeon felt moved, the corners of her mouth lifting. Could Professor Kim be any more pampering? Thinking like this, she left one hand on the steering wheel and grasped Hyunjung’s hand with the other. 

A woman’s hand was naturally soft and since neither did any hard labor, both of their hands were white and tender. The feeling of the two hands pressed together was quite pleasing. 

Jiyeon glanced at her twice with satisfaction and then began to lightly knead Hyunjung’s hand. 

Hyunjung’s thoughts were already in a mess when Jiyeon grabbed her hand, and then her entire arm turned limp when Jiyeon began to pinch it. 

Hyunjung let Jiyeon play with her hands, pretending to be calm as she looked out the window, but for some reason, her mouth felt dry.

Jiyeon’s cooking was far worse than Hyunjung’s and she only knew how to make vegetarian dishes, so the dinner consisted only of three vegetarian dishes and a weird-looking egg drop soup. 

“Alright, let’s eat! However, don’t worry, I’ll study hard and you’ll be able to eat even better food soon!” Jiyeon said solemnly as she picked up her chopsticks. 

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