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The two hedgehogs were stuck in a bed together. It wasn't only annoying, it was scary for Sonic. He was well aware Shadow had his gun - Shadow arrived later and was just told to go to bed - and so even the tiniest slip up would result in a bullet to the head most likely.

They were each facing away from eachother in silence. Shadow knew Sonic knew what he would do if he even ended up touching him the slightest bit. He could tell, he couldn't even hear Sonic breathe. "You can breathe you know." Shadow lowly growled. A large sigh followed from the younger hedgehog "Stop acting ridiculous." Shadow rolled his eyes "But everytime I breathe my quills move." Sonic reasoned "I want to die bravely. Not fast asleep." "Then sleep with one eye open." Shadow growled


Shadow awoke suddenly. A weird weight had found itself wrapped around Shadow. Shadow quickly looked around on instinct, Sonic had managed to cuddle him whilst sleeping. Disguisted, Shadow threw Sonic's arms from over him, startling the other awake.

Sonic swiftly jolted up looking at Shadow and sighing lightly. "I thought I was at home and Amy-" Sonic just sighed, Shadow understood what he meant and Sonic clearly knew this. "I wish." Shadow rolled his eyes "We wouldn't even be in this situation if you just let me get on with my mission." "Talking to Tails? Yea sure, mhm, that's your mission." Sonic rolled his eyes "I was simply picking up an invention gun requested. Tails was walking me through how it worked."

The two were then startled by the opening of the door. "Well morning!" A Tails smiled. He seemed to be the same age as the other two. It was mildly unsettling to Shadow in a number of ways. Shadow did his usual nod, not knowing how to interact with this older fox.

Shadow quickly jumped out of the bed, disregarding Sonic as he gently shoved passed Tails - he didn't hate the fox as much as he did Sonic.


Tails sipped his 2nd cup of coffee within that hour. "You shouldn't be drinking so much." Knuckles stated, fiddling with some bolts "Your hands are shaking." "I have to bring them back." Tails growled "This is my fault and I will not allow us all to lose them." Tails sighed, throwing his wrench (spanner for brits) to the floor and kicking the machine. "I can't even send a message to another Tails to come help!"

"We'll get them back." Amy reassured as she walked in, bringing Tails some water. "Take a rest. If you sleep, you will be able to think and function better." "But they can't wait! They could've already killed eachother!" Tails snapped, causing Amy to jerk back and drop the water bottle. "Sorry... I get snappy when I don't sleep..." Tails sighed "Listen, buddy, get some rest. We can continue tomorrow." Knuckles spoke, his words filled with worry "You need it."

Tails knew he had no choice. He could barely keep his eyes open and his coffee intake was a lot more than what was healthy. He had drank 8 cups of coffee in just 24 hours. He couldn't even lie about it - his shaking hands and bloodshot eyes didn't do him justice either.

"Okay..." Tails sighed, pulling himself up from the foot of the machine "Please don't touch anything whilst I'm asleep. You know what? Don't even come in here..." Tails mumbled as he walked out, leaving the hedgehog and echidna to ponder what he had just said.

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