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Sonic and Shadow had arrived at the base. "Ready Shads?" He asked. Shadow just stared at him in his usual emotionless way. "Considering I've been pushed through a portal into a weird dimension where I am a robot working for the bane of my existence and I am going to save myself after learning I am married to you and have two kids in this universe, I am more than ready." "When you put it like that..." Sonic just shook his head "Let's get going."

Shadow jumped up the the vent, prying it off of its hinges and climbing in. He then helped Sonic up into the vent, Sonic mocking him with some form of curtsey whilst mouthing the words 'such a gentlemen' Shadow just rolled his eyes as he activated his communicator. "We're in." He whispered.

"Okay." A voice replied from the communicator. "You are nearby what I'm assuming is the other Sonic and Shadow due to chaos energy readings." Shadow nodded, despite the fox not being able to see. "Just take 3 lefts, 2 rights, another left and keep going forwards from there. You'll know when you see the lab." Tails continued. "Okie dokie!" Sonic joked, crawling ahead.

Shadow followed cautiously as the hedgehog navigated the winding vent system. He couldn't help but admire Sonic for this feat, going head first into an unknown location to save random people. Shadow was so lost in his thought he almost bumped into Sonic, managing to stop in time. "Which way again?" He whispered. "Left." Shadow responded, knowing now was not the time to lecture Sonic on paying attention.

The two found their way rather easily, now perched atop the grill they were meant to kick open. Eggman was currently running through his plan. What kind of villian did that? Wouldn't it be easier to just execute the plan incase of, well, what was about to happen?

Shadow waited for the man to be just under the vent, kicking the grill onto his head before jumping down onto eggman's head. The poor man groaned in pain, not exactly processing what had happened. Shadow looked back up at Sonic, said hedgehog getting what he meant.

The lapiz hedgehog swiftly jumped down from the vent and made his way over to the two hedgehogs. "What do I do-" he asked them. Each shrugging. Shadow then walked over, smashing random buttons until the tube opened. "That would usually be dangerous..." Sonic muttered in shock. Shadow shrugged in response. Sonic held the bridge of his nose. "Why is everyone shrugging?"

"You two make a good team. Didn't speak once and yet understood one another." The older Sonic smiled. The older Shadow nodded in agreement. Shadow took a step away from Sonic, shaking his head at the thought. "I'll put you back in that thing if you ever say anything like that again." He growled. Sonic just laughed. "We need them to get back home." He pointed out. Shadow just growled, muttering profanities under his breath as he walked out.


"So... you're me." The younger Tails said. The older Tails nodded. "Correct." "And you're looking for your version of me and some guy named... Shadow?" He tilted his head in confusion. Amy nodded. "Pretty much." She smiled. The sonic of this universe blushed and looked away upon seeing her smile, Amy found it unsettling.

"We're having trouble finding them however...." Amy sighed "We're trying to locate them but we are ending up in the wrong universes." The younger Tails nodded, intaking the information. "I've been working on something that will allow me to track this idiot by his DNA within his blood." Tails explained, lightly slapping Sonic over the head upon realising he was staring at Amy.

"So... could you use it to try locate a multiverse where there are two Sonics?" Knuckles asked. The younger Tails nodded his head. "I should be able to... I'm not too sure." "Might aswell give it a shot!" Amy grinned, the Sonic once again turning into a blushing mess - this scared Amy a lot.

"Okay let's get to it!" Tails grinned, running off to the back shed - his place of work now. The others followed closely as they navigated the winding hallways crawling with machinery. Tails found his way to some form of laptop and began typing. Both Knuckles' tilted their head in confusion, in sync, upon looking at what Tails was writing. "You made a spelling error." The older Tails pointed out. The younger shook his head, smirking. "Ah I see, rather smart."

"What does this 'Shadow' guy look like anyways?" Sonic asked. "Oh uh..." Amy dragged on the 'Uh' as she opened her phone to a random group photo they had taken a few weeks ago. "This guy." She stated as she zoomed in on the sulking hedgehog. "Woah..." Sonic blushed furiously at the picture. "Will I ever meet him...?" Amy laughed "If you get tangled up with G.U.N, yes." Sonic shook with excitement "We have!"

Amy shook her head. "I wouldn't get excited bud, you and Shadow hate eachother." Sonic saddened "Oh... do we atleast talk." "Well... sort of. You guys work together very well where I am from, it's like you can communicate without words, but usually you try communicating with Shadow and he distances himself." Amy explained. Sonic nodded, intaking the information.

"I FOUND HIM!" The younger Tails grinned "Two Sonics, one universe!" "Wait... do you have any details about this universe?" The older Tails asked, clicking a few buttons and reading a few articles made by the Tails of that universe. "What the... Sonic and Shadow are married?!" Knuckles and Tails shouted in unison. Sonic began blushing profusely again, Amy just staring at the screen in confusion whilst the other, younger Knuckles struggled to read the room.

"They have two kids full stop." He read "Knuckles is comma to put it nicely comma not the brightest full stop." Amy giggled "Is he always like this?" Sonic nodded his head. "Learned to live with it." "Of course I am not the brightest! Look at the sun!" Knuckles ridiculed the screen. The other Knuckles just stared in shock. "I... am this?" He muttered in both fear and disappointment. Tails snorted "From how this Tails is wording you, you're a real idiot who can barely comprehend anything other than punching - and even then you get confused."

Knuckles went silent. "I feel sorry for the poor guy." He muttered, the younger Knuckles nodding. "Thank Chaos we are brainy."

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