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Sonic wasn't sure what was happening to be honest. One moment, it was just him, Shadow and their older variants in the home; Shadow and Sonic had been cuddling on the couch and talking. The next moment Sonic had practically flown across the couch as he jumped away from Shadow due to a panicked Rouge barging in unannounced and rushing to find the older Sonic and Shadow.

Sonic couldn't quite hear what was being said, although Rouge sounded panicked despite the older Shadow's calm tone.

Before the two could process anything, Shadow was walking Rouge out of the hut, assuring her "It's just a myth Rouge." He dismissed whatever was making Rouge so panicked. "No! It's real! I know it is!" She cried. Shadow shook his head "Listen, give it a day okay?" He reasoned "If I pick anything unusual up, I will send everyone out on a mission for it." Rouge nodded reluctantly.

"Please don't be too late Shadow. It could destroy everything we've worked for if we aren't careful!" She warned, voluntarily walking out of the door as Shadow shut it behind her.

"What's happening?" Sonic asked, returning to his spot by Shadow. "Nothing to be concerned about." The robotic voice called, returning to his partner in the nursery.

"Did you pick any of what she said up?" Sonic asked. Shadow shook his head "I did hear a mention of Eggman, although it may just be the drone we saw." "Why would she tell everyone now?" Sonic reasoned. Shadow shrugged, playing with Sonic's quills "It's something she often does. She only mentions things when it's either too late or when she's worried."

Sonic nodded along, easing into his partner. "Shouldn't we go on a second date before we make it serious?" Sonic asked, looking up at Shadow from his layed down position. Shadow raised a brow "Oh so now it's a date, is it?" Sonic just pushed Shadow's face away whilst smirking. "It's a date if you want it to be~" He booped Shadow's nose, Shadow sending a glare Sonic's way.

"Let's go then!" Sonic declared, jumping up and dragging Shadow out of the door, calling out to their older versions before leaving. "Do I get a say in this?" Shadow asked. Sonic shook his head. "Nope!" He responded "We can go to town this time as well!" He cheered. Shadow just sighed "Fine." He drawled.


The two had decided on a small, Mexican-themed restaurant. Sonic ordered a chilli dish whereas Shadow ordered some paella.

"This place is way too bright." Shadow remarked as the waitress walked away. Sonic laughed "You should see Amy's room in our universe." Shadow rolled his eyes "I have." Sonic cocked a brow. Shadow sighed, getting that the other wanted elaboration. "You do know I have a lot of female influences in my life." Sonic nodded. "Amy is one of those influences." Sonic stiffled a laugh. "Didn't expect you to walk around with Rouge and Amy."

Shadow pinched the bridge of his nose and sighed. "There's a million reasons why I am around Rouge, Sonic. I'd call it quite obvious I have quite a lot of female influence." Sonic shrugged "I always thought your eyeshadow and eye liner were cool. Takes a lot to pull off." Shadow scoffed "Mainly because you can't pull of most things." Sonic nodded his head to say 'fare' and continued eating his chilli.

"Do you think... we will work?" Shadow asked, breaking the silence abruptly. "I don't know, Shads. We won't know unless we try." Sonic concluded. Shadow just nodded "Ya know you can talk to me about what you're comfortable with and stuff." Shadow nodded. "Thanks." Sonic just smiled with a nod "Now eat your food!" He grinned. Shadow just rolled his eyes before digging into his paella.

When the two finished, they decided to take a stroll in the nearby forest. The stroll started nice; the two holding hands and exchanging witty remarks. The two had eventually stopped at a log, Sonic sitting down. "This is still weird." Shadow stated. Sonic chuckled "It usually is! I remember my third date with Sally being so awkward I actually knocked my plate of tomato soup everywhere." Shadow laughed in response, taunting Sonic to some extent.

"Date still ended with a kiss though." Sonic pouted. Shadow just rolled his eyes "I doubt anyone would kiss you willingly." Sonic smirked "Sure?" He hummed. Shadow nodded "Did you give Sally a choice?" Shadkw asked, raising a brow. Sonic leant in closer "I don't know, did I give you a choice?" He asked.

Shadow stopped for a moment, trying to understand what Sonic said. "Wait.. wha-" Shadow was cut off by Sonic quickly pecking him on the lips. The hedgehog turned as red as his crimson streaks, still frozen.

When Shadow finally caught up with himself, he cleared his throat and sat next to Sonic. "That was smooth, for your standards. I'll give you that." Sonic just smirked "I know." He chirped. Shadow shook his head. "You stink of chilli though." Shadow added, tearing Sonic's self-pride. The hedgehog practically went white, much to Shadow's amusement. "I'm glad it was such a short kiss. I don't want to taste chilli - the stuffs horrible from restaurants."

"Hey-" Sonic whined "You smell like-" he paused, a finger up in the air. "You smell like a palm tree!" Shadow shook his head and laughed "You sleep in palm trees." Sonic decided to shut up, admitting he had walked into a corner.

"Hate to cut it short, but we better get back." Sonic spxhanged the subject. Shadow shook his head "I'd rather not have to tell that blue idiot every single thing that happened." Sonic scrunched up his nose at his own words "It's so weird to badmouth a variant of you to you."

The younger Sonic then ,ade his debute into their conversation. "Hey guys!" He smiled "Got anything fun happening?" "No." Shadow stated bluntly. "We were just about to head back." The hedgehog nodded "Why are you two even out here?" He asked. Sonic shrugged "Just wanted to stretch our legs, why're you here?" The other Sonic then got slightly nervous, laughing "The same thing." He blurted out.

Sonic rolled his eyes. "What'd you see?" He demanded, causing Shadow to jump a little at how cold and hostile Sonic suddenly was. The younger Sonic put his hands up in defense. "Woah! Calm down buddy! If its that private, I won't tell anyone." He whispered. "You better." Shadow grumbled, arms now crossed. "Now let's go, love." He stated, quickly dragging Sonic away.

"What was that?!" Sonic spluttered once the two were out of earshot. "If I'd have said Sonic, he would have used that as a reason to follow us. The little sicko is obsessed with me for some reason." Sonic smirked "Awh already comfortable, huh, love?" Sonic cooed. Shadow glared "I don't know, dear, am I?" "I'd say you are hun."

Shadow shuddered "Don't call me that." He revolted "Why?" Sonic asked, tilting his head. "Rouge calls me that." Sonic made an 'o' shape with house mouth "gotcha." He stated "So love is okay?" He smirked. Shadow sighed, shoving the over away by the face. "Let's just get home." He groaned.

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