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Shadow took a long sip of the Dr Pepper now, allowing Sonic to think a bit - which Sonic was more than thankful for - and try to come to terms with the chaos ensuing within his mind.

He felt Shadow's ruby eyes on him as they searched his face for any form of answer that could be inferred from Sonic's definitley blank face. He reluctantly brought his eyes up to meet Shadow's and gulped. Shadow placed the can down on the floor besides the couch, eyes not leaving his blue counterpart.

Sonic cleared his throat as his cheeks reddened. "I don't know...?" He muttered, shrinking into himself as if he had answered incorrectly. Shadow just shrugged "I see." He replied "If it makes you feel any better, I believe we share the same problem." Sonic tilted his head "Problem?" He repeated back to him. "I'd say its just.... a weird situation. Nothing we can't fix!" Sonic smiled nervously. Shadow nodded "Although I wouldn't call you dangling out of a window and trusting me with your life a 'weird situation'." Shadow muttered.

Sonic cringed inwardly at his dumb actions as a teenager. Why did he even do that again? Even Sonic didn't know. There was really no order to the chaos ensuing within Sonic's company.

"How about...." Sonic muttered in thought, ignoring how dangerous Shadow's effortless memory recalling could be in some situation. "We just see how it goes?" He asked, meeting Shadow's eyes for the second time. Shadow stared in thought for a moment before reluctantly nodding along to the plan. "But what if-" Sonic shook his head with a sigh and hugged the other. "It either works or it doesn't work, Shadow." He muttered.

Shadow swiftly pulled away upon feeling prying eyes on them. They turned to see a smirking older Sonic. He just gave them a wink and set down two cups on the kitchen counter. "I figured you two wanted some time. Didn't expect this though." He laughed. "Can you-" Sonic began as his face reddened from embarrassment. "Yeah, sure. I won't say anything until you've figured yourselves out and settle." The two nodded greatfully. The Sonic then swiftly turned to them and placed his hand on his hip. "Now seriously, get to bed." He stated sternly "Last thing I need is to wake up to your idiotic antics."


Shadow shot awake, his ears twitching. His eyes shot towards the door. He groaned inwardly at what he saw - the younger, annoying Sonic scampering off in a sluggishly manner. Sonic also shot up - probably feeling weight shifting on the other side of the bed - and looked around in a suprisingly active manner. Shadow just pushed the other down by the forehead. "It's too early to hear from you." He muttered. Sonic just shrugged and closed his eyes "Whatever you say." He grumbled as he began drifting off to sleep.

Sonic then shot up once again and looked around. "Wait... Where's other me?" He asked. "He just walked out." Shadow muttered "Come to think of it, I'm suprised I've slept so long..." he muttered. "Probably processing." Sonic stated, shuffling out of the bed before making his way to the door before swiftly turning on his heels. "Oh yea- forgot my gloves and everything-" he muttered before hastily putting on his gloves and shoes and stuffing whatever he deemed necessary into his quills in a matter of seconds. "You comming with me? I don't wanna face the 50 Knuckles', 2 Amys, and 9282928292 Tails' PLUS the other me." Sonic muttered. Shadow rolled his eyes "You're over exaggerating, hedgehog."

The two hedgehogs made their way to the kitchen. It was rather nauseating to see so many variants of their friends and almost uncomfortable, like a fever dream you would see in a cartoon except everyone else could see it too. The two were given their breakfasts and were sat on the couch - the island and dining table were full - and gave them some form of privacy.

"Hey... remember what we said last night." Sonic whispered, not wanting to draw attention. Shadow nodded as be ate. "Well... I was thinking we could go out for a... tester?" Sonic awkwardly asked. Shadow rolled his eyes "You could've just said a date-" Sonic cringed "I don't like that word." Shadow just smirked "Dating doesn't mean settling." "Yea, in your eyes."

"What are you two talking about?" The younger Sonic prodded, leaning between the two. "Arguing, as usual." Sonic stated, returning to his breakfast. "Are you always like that?" Sonic nodded "We've been like it since we met. Shadow takes it a little bit more seriously than me though." Shadow looked Sonic dead in the eye. "I resurrected you." He said in a deadpan manner "If I took our rivalry seriously I would have left you dead." Sonic nodded "Fair. But I still don't remember anything from that aside from shouting." Sonic stated. Shadow just nodded "I would presume so since you were gone."

"Seems like I have quite the future." The younger joked, Shadow taking an annoyed inhale at his voice. (Film Sonic's voice is kinda annoying though) "Trust me, you have no idea what it going to hit you in the next six years." Sonic laughed "No seriously, I've found myself in weird situations- there was this princess and I died- and there was a kiss and-" "ew." The younger Sonic remarked as he stuck his tounge out "That sounds gross." Sonic shrugged "I don't like thinking about it." He stated. Shadow rolled his eyes "Neither do I."

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