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A bright light swarmed the trio, engulfing them in a blinded state. Still clutching Knuckles, Tails reluctantly opened his eyes. They had made it. Amy yelped in suprise, Knuckles just admiring the view.

"Seems very... plain. " She muttered. "Better view than what I get from Angel Island." Knuckles shrugged. "It seems rather.... flat with the odd loop or drop." Amy mumbled. "Agreed. This universe must be very boring." Tails nodded. The trio then fell back, the sheer force of whatever had ran into them winding Knuckles - who was the first to be hit.

"Hey!" Knuckles growled getting up and eyeing the small creature that had ran into him. "Uh-" Amy's mouth remained open "Is this... baby Sonic?" Knuckled prodded the smaller counterpart of his friend. Tails shrugged "Perhaps a newly formed multiverse." He pondered to himself. "Hello, Sonic? Could you place take us to Tails?" Amy asked, bending down to the small hedgehog.

The hedgehog stared back intently, eyes filled with confusion, curiosity and attraction. "She asked you a question!" Knuckles shouted, picking up the small hedgehog by the scruff of the neck. "Answer." The hedgehog's eyes returned to a static gaze. Tails sighed and repeated Amy's question, only to be met with the same outcome as Knuckles.

Knuckles threw the hedgehog down, Amy just catching him, in annoyance. "That thing is so annoying!" He pouted. "Careful!" Amy shouted "We do not want to drastically break this world." She then place the hedgehog down, who was still staring at Amy contently.

Suddenly, the small hedgehog grabbed Amy's wrist and sped away. Tails jumped back in shock. Knuckles growled as he began to run, Tails following close behind. "When I get that thing I will skin it alive! The thing can't can't speak properly and feels it has the right to steal MY friend!" Tails just chuckled, not wanting to share the same fate as Amy's kidnapper.


Shadow was panicking. Midnight was crying. If the child was hurt his head would probably be mounted on a stick and used as a flag. "How do I-" Shadow panicked. Sonic just rolled his eyes. "You have no maternal senses, do you?" He scooped up Midnight, replacing her with Shade, and began rocking her up and down.

"She's most likely hungry." He stated "We have no food-" Shadow pointed out. "Well done, genius." Sonic glared daggers at Shadow. "Those miscreants better be back soon." Shadow growled "Knowing me and you, if we are anything like these guys, they'll find us soon enough." Sonic stated


"Why don't we just walk out?" Sonic complained. The group had been gone for hours now. "It might not be safe." Shadow replied, starting a fire with a few sticks and stones. "If they're not back by tomorrow I will go search for them." Shadow concluded. "Woah, woah, woah. I'm the hero! I'll search for them." Sonic argued.

"I will throw these children off of the mountain." Shadow growled. Sonic's eyes widened. "You wouldn't..." "Oh, you wouldn't believe what I have done to get this far." Shadow scoffed "Just what did you do...?" Sonic gulped

(Sonic Boom)

Shadow growled. It had been a trap. He turned to his partner, his bandana thrown to the floor. "We're done for." He groaned "Not quite yet." Shadow muttered. "They can't work together! They can't even breath in the same room without one trying to rip the guts out of the other!" Sonic huffed in frustration.

"Whatever Eggman is planning, we will find a way out. He can't hold us long. I'll just need to recharge my Chaos Energy." Shadow stated. Sonic face palmed. "Shadow, he disabled it..." He reminded. Shadow growled. "They don't even have a-" Shadkw stopped mid sentence.

He the hurriedly thre his arm up and opened his 'watch' revealing a communicator. He tuned in, whispering a message to Tails and quickly shut it off, allowing the watch fersaud to do its duty. "Hopefully, he understands." Sonic groaned "You barely understand me." Shadow rolled his eyes "Tails is smart though." Sonic reasoned "He isn't married to me." Shadow stated "Wow... calm down." Sonic huffed "you'd think you would have settled down by now." He remarked.


Eggman's eyes widened. It was as if they thought their 'cage' of sorts was sound proof. Shadow, his wonderful inheritance, and that dastardly hedgehog were married? He really needed to fact check - or better yet, get in the loop. There were a pair of the two running around the island as they spoke?

Double the trouble plus the rest of their pathetic group? No thanks. He will simply just place them in a chamber, do his work and be on his way - he isn't payed enough for his work or the stuff he puts up with, especially with the blue pest always on his case.

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