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To avoid confusion, Imma explain a few things:
Sonic/Shadow/Amy/Tails/etc. - the fanfic version (the protagonists in this)

If I add older, eg. 'The older Shadow' I mean the Boom chatacters
If I add younger eg. 'The younger Sonic' I mean the movie chatacters

Also get your popcorn and tea ready :) we got some juicy dramaaaa


The race had eventually turned into playfighting - not rough, but still fighting. Shadow was winning this time however, managing to tackle Sonic to the ground and hold him there by the wrist. After five seconds, Shadow stood up and dusted himself off before readjusting his rings. "Looks like I win again, Sonic."

Sonic smirked and shook his head "Never thought I'd hear you say my name." Shadow smirked back "Don't get used to it." He remarked before walking away "We better get back before they realise we're gone." Sonic nodded "Yea... I don't think Amy's hammer is just for egghead." Sonic joked. Shadow kept walking, not even commenting of the others joke.


The two crept through the door, quietly whispering remarks and comments to eachother, before someone cleared their throat. Sonic flinched and slowly turned towards the figure, Shadow jumping around and almost whipping his gun out from his quills.

The older Shadow was leant against the island, a few familiar and strange faces sat at said island. "Wow..." Tails laughed "Sonic and Shadow standing next to eachother and not fighting?" He remarked, Sonic narrowing his eyes at the small fox, or atleast one of them.

"Who's my fourth faker?" Sonic asked. "Thift." Shadow corrected "Scourge, that tiny you, Metal Sonic, this Sonic and me supposedly." Sonic smirked "I wasn't counting you~" He booped Shadow's nose, his hand being slapped away "Don't talk down to me f-cker." He snarled. Sonic just laughed.

"Seriously though, who are the midgets?" Sonic asked. "They're you and Tails, just younger. Multiversal stuff." Amy responded, taking a sip of her coffee. Sonic noticed his younger form staring at Shadow. He just laughed and ruffled his quills "We meet him when we're 15." The younger laughed awkwardly "Only a year away..."

"Don't get excited." Shadow smirked "I kick your a-s." Sonic frowned, turning to Shadow. "We both team up in the end." Shadow shrugged "would've won if I found that chaos emerald." "Sure Shads." Sonic sarcastically agreed much to Shadow's anger. The younger Sonic just stared in shock. "How old are you guys?"

"Well..." Sonic began counting on his fingers "I'm 20 which makes Tails 17. This also makes Amy 18 and Shadow nearly 21. Knuckles.... should be... 20, like me." The younger nodded along "You're so close for bearly four years." "We didn't plan on it." Sonic joked, rubbing the back of his neck. The younger laughed "I wouldn't mind it, better than fighting someone all the time." He shrugged. The younger Tails laughed "What about Knuckles?"

"Well... seen as you have arrived to collect your variants, you may all go home in a week or so." Everyone turned to the older Shadow, shocked. The older Sonic rolled his eyes and elaborated on his husband's terrible wording "Our Universal Transmitter is broken. Knuckles got very angry at Tails a few days before those two ended up here."

The Tails' got up in unison, grinning. "We can help!" Sonic nodded, taking a sip of his Dr Pepper - he had 'swiped' the one that had been offered to Shadow. Shadow snatched his can back, wiping where Sonics lips had touched it, before taking a sip himself and handing it back to the lapiz hedgehog.

"Well... its late." The older Shadow stated "We only have one spare guest room space this will be awkward to space out." He muttered, his hand now scratching the back of his head in thought. "Okay... we have a few sleeping bags from past trips, so two or three of you guys can share the guest bed and the rest can be spread around across ither peoples rooms." He stated.

The older Sonic agreed. "We will have to put their Amy with our Amy." He stated "Probably put the two Tails with our Knuckles or Tails and most likely put their Knuckles with our Knuckles." Sonic stated, seemingly getting lost in his own words. "What about me?" The younger Sonic asked "I don't wanna sleep outside." He joked. "We can just slot you in with their Shadow and Sonic in the guest room." The older Shadow concluded.

As everyone else went to get a sleeping bag, Sonic and Shadow stayed behind. Shadow was sat on the arm of the Sofa, Sonic stood beside him leaning on the back. "Did you get any idea of what he was on about?" Sonic asked dumbfounded. Shadow shrugged "essentially everyone's variants will be sharing with everyone's variants so we will have younger you." Sonic groaned "Why can't older us take them?" Shadow shrugged "The nursery is connected to their room."

Sonic flopped back, rolling backwards onto the couch from behind and readjusting himself to be laying vertically, his head resting on the arm Shadow was sat on. "I'd rather take the couch." He muttered "Why?" Shadow asked "I don't like the way younger me is looking at you and I was a terrible sleeper at 14."

Shadow raised a brow "What do you mean 'looking at me'?" Sonic rolled his eyes "The guys a simp, Shads." Shadow readjusted himself "I'm guessing you have the same taste." He muttered, catching Sonic off guard. "What?" Shadow shrugged "Thought you looked at me weirdly when we met. You always found excuses to see me whenever you could and gave me weird looks a lot. I shrugged it off as you just being  playful but I guess I was wrong."

Sonic also raised a brow now, handing Shadow the Dr Pepper after said hedgehog held his hand up for it. "What?" The hedgehog looked down in thought for awhile, eyes widening. "Oh sh-t... I really did." He muttered, eyes now meeting Shadow's. "Did?" Shadow repeated. Sonic looked up, his throat how dry as Shadow made it clear he wanted the hedgehog to elaborate.

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