Dream Chapter 7: Tale Of The TSAB

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Seinaru's coming again. He has much to learn due to being an orphan...

Seinaru finds himself before his mentors and family yet again.

Madoka: Hello, Seinaru, my champion.

Cure Determination: Child of Light.

Kyokai: Welcome back, my son.

Kuruso: How'd it go?

Seinaru: It went comfortably well.

Madoka: It looks as if something is bothering you, like a question you don't know the answer to.

Seinaru: Is this question forbidden: Did the TSAB beat Walpurgis in an alternate universe?

Madoka: Sadly, I don't know, either. There are so many alternate universes out there that I can't keep track of every last one of them. But I do know how strong each of the TSAB's warriors are... Perhaps they won, even if I had to contract.

Seinaru: Very well.

Cure Determination: The TSAB... I have heard of them. I have visited them sometimes. They are quite enjoyable... Madoka, would you explain to him what they do and their warriors?

Madoka: Certainly. The Time-Space Administrative Bureau is an interdimensional security and military force that deals with intergalactic threats, as well as providing disaster relief to worlds harmed by conflicts. One of their main goals is to collect Lost Logia, powerful magical artifacts originating from the fallen civilization of Ancient Belka. Their warriors fight with either powerful magic or technology.

Seinaru: Maybe they could provide relief to the cities here that have been overrun with witches and gone to pot. And I can understand why they would have been sent to take out Walpurgis, too. We know she's a massive threat to life and health.

Madoka: A threat like that they wouldn't slide.

Seinaru: Now, of their warriors... I heard the name Nanoha mentioned some days ago. Is she working for them?

Madoka: You are correct, Seinaru. Nanoha Takamachi is one of their strongest mages, and has epithets like "The Ace of Aces" and "The White Devil". She was once an ordinary elementary girl living on Earth, who one day encountered Yuuno Scryya, who gave her her weapon Raising Heart and told her to collect the Jewel Seeds. The TSAB was always supporting her, but she didn't join the organization until later.

Seinaru: She must have had a rival... Name him or her.

Madoka: Fate Testarossa-Harlaown is a girl Nanoha first met in her first adventure. She was a clone of Precia Testarossa's daughter Alicia, but was abused due to not being an exact copy of her. Due to her abuse, she was emotionally closed off and yearned to get her mother's approval. While she and Nanoha did start off as rivals, they ended up becoming friends and defeated Precia together. She and Nanoha are very close, as they are the other's most precious person.

Seinaru: Abusive parents... That's horrible.

Kyokai: Rest assured that we would have never done that to you, Seinaru.

Seinaru: I heard them mention, in the universe spoken of, a group called the Wolkenritter. More exactly, that one of their members, by the name of Vita, was overcome with Soul Corruption and attacked her comrades. What are they like?

Madoka: The Wolkenritter are the four guardian entities of the Book of Darkness. They comprise of Signum, Vita, Shamal, and Zafira. They loyally serve a girl called Hayate Yagami, who treats them as family and not tools. While they initially clashed against Nanoha and Fate, they weren't bad people; they just wanted to save Hayate's life from the Book of Darkness. In the end, Hayate's life was saved and their connection to the Book of Darkness was severed.

Cure Determination: A fair word of advice, Child- when you meet them, do not so much as scratch Vita's hat. When Nanoha fought Vita, one of her blasts created a button sized hole in her hat... And that was the moment where Vita flew into a rage and Nanoha went from evenly matched to losing.

Seinaru: Ah, got it. I assume I'll also meet Hayate as well...

Madoka: Correct. Hayate Yagami was a sick wheelchair bound girl who wielded the Book of Darkness. The Wolkenritter fought hard to obtain the Linker Cores to save her from the Book of Darkness and cure her disability. As of now, her disability has been cured and she has a high-ranking position in the TSAB. As a side note, she designed the outfits for the Wolkenritters. But she isn't a fighter due to her magic, well being destructive and needs assistance to aim it despite the level of power.

Cure Determination: There is another division of the TSAB rising rapidly through their ranks called the Riot Force 6.

Seinaru: Oh?

Cure Determination: Explain them, Madoka.

Madoka: The Lost Property Riot Force 6 is a subdivision of the TSAB led by Hayate Yagami. It has its own combat subdivisions led by Nanoha and Fate respectively. It was created to train combatants and stop Jail Scaglietti from obtaining the Lost Logia known as the Relics. They were temporarily disbanded after his defeat, but were reformed later.

Seinaru: Who are their members?

Madoka: There are many members of the Riot Force, but of special note is the members for the Forward Team; Subaru Nakajima, Teana Lanster, Erio Mondial, Caro Ru Lushe, and Ginga Nakajima. They are exeptionally talented youths trained under Nanoha.

Seinaru: And what is the current state of affairs?

Madoka: It is not pleasant for them. The TSAB face a family of powerful killers known as the Huckebein, and their master, Hades Vendein. They have made very little effort due to their healing factor, no matter how hard they try.

Cure Determination: A request, Child. Before you visit the world of the TSAB, visit my multiverse and recruit me so that I may challenge and defeat the Huckebein. As powerful as the Huckebein are, they are still simply mortals. I want to humble them, to show them that no matter how powerful they are, they are still just mortals... And no mortal can surpass a God.

Seinaru: shudders nervously  Oh, alright.. I guess I'll have to visit their world much later, then...

Madoka: But there is still a way to contact the TSAB. One of the Purifactors is an ambassador. He is negotiating with them to give aid to this universe.

Seinaru: Oh! That's good.

Madoka: Just because you are not visting their world doesn't mean that you are prohibited from otherworldly contact. I am certain that, in time, they will begin protecting all the multiverses you have visited.

Seinaru: Right.

Madoka: The name of this Purifactor is Nanajurokubey.

Seinaru: Got it.

Madoka: He can help you keep in contact with them.

Seinaru: I got it. Is that all to talk?

Madoka: I think so. See you tomorrow, Seinaru.

Seinaru: See ya.

Now you, too, know of the TSAB... I suspect they will be a worthy ally.

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