Dream Chapter 13: Meet Tourmaline

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Seinaru comes. I've met a strange agent in my strife... I'll meet another soon.

Madoka: Hello, Seinaru.

Seinaru: Hello, Madoka!

Madoka: So, that man who met you last night... It seems he is not alone.

Seinaru: I heard.

Madoka: But I met a strange creature who works with him...

Seinaru: Oh?

Madoka: If you can believe it... It was a talking pony.

Seinaru: HUH?! WHAAAAT?!

Madoka: What's the matter, Seinaru?

Seinaru: A talking pony?! What?!

Madoka: I'm telling the truth. It was a talking pony.

Seinaru: All right, I will cool off.

Madoka: I remember that it also had a symbol on its flank.

Seinaru: Oh?

Madoka: I didn't get enough of a good look at it, though...

Seinaru: That can wait for when I meet this agent. Treybey said another will meet us here- but it's not a human.

Madoka: Oh.

Seinaru: That means it won't be Idano- that is, if he is a human.

Madoka: Right...

Seinaru: After all, I couldn't tell what he was under that hood.

Madoka: And you won't with this one.

Seinaru: Unless this being tells me what species it is.

Madoka: They probably won't.

Seinaru: Oh well. Not every mystery can have an answer.

Shortly after, they see a MemLock appear and lock itself.

Seinaru: Here we go, Madoka...

Then an aquamarine woman appears.

??????????: Huh, so this is how the dreamscape works.

Seinaru: Yeah, that's not a human. No human I know is that color.

??????????: I'll have you know there are humans with this skin color, but you're right. I'm no human.

Seinaru: Huh... Did Idano fill you in on me?

??????????: Only that you'll be visiting our universe eventually.

Seinaru: Well, my name is Seinaru. This is the Goddess of Hope, Madoka.

Madoka: It's a pleasure to meet you.

??????????: I go by Tourmaline. And I come here with a message in regards to your actions today.

Seinaru: I don't think your organization is too happy with what I did, are they?

Tourmaline: With the nature of alternate universes, there are just as many timelines where Princess Momo is saved from that truck. Yours is just one of many. They're not that concerned, given there are still timelines where she kicks the bucket, though she's still revived anyway in those timelines. At least that's what I've been told.

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