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Once I reached my room I had to use my elbow to open my door as my hands were still bound behind me. Luckily everyone was asleep and no one had seen me enter the dorm in this state. I pushed my door closed and struggled to get my hands free but was successful after enough shimmying. 

I put on my light and stared at the red marks on my wrists. I felt a sharp pain at my upper right arms and saw three slashes in my arm that was bleeding. Andy scratched me when he pulled Mr Caid away from me. 

I went straight to my bathroom and got undressed quickly. I stepped into the shower and I let the water run over my open wound. Did Andy send me away because of this? Did the smell of my blood trigger him?

After I stepped out of the shower I pulled out my first-aid kit from under my bathroom sink and applied an anti-septic cream and bound the wound tight. I got dressed into my pajamas and climbed into my bed. I closed my eyes trying to calm myself down and soon enough, I fell asleep.


My alarm woke me up and I sat up, feeling dizzy. Shit, is this the anemia? Sluggishly, I got up from my bed and slowly got dressed, choosing to wear a long-sleeved top to cover my injured arm. A knock on my door startled me and I walked over to open it. Andy stepped into the room quickly and closed the door behind him as I backed away from him.

"Scar... A-are you okay?" he asked, worry obvious on his face.

"I-I don't know... You hurt me Andy." I said as I backed up into my table.

"I know... It was an accident. I misjudged the distance between his and your arm, I didn't think I'd scratch you. Is it bad? Can I see it?" he asked and I shook my head.

"It's bound pretty tight, I wont have time to redress it, I don't want to be late for class." I said.

"We can bunk Biology, Mr Caid is in the hospital. You wont miss a lesson." he said as he stepped towards me.

"Can you just stand there please, don't come any closer." I pleaded and he stood still obviously quite confused.

"I don't care if he isn't going to be in class, attendance still gets taken, I've never skipped class before and I don't plan on starting now." I said and he shook his head.

"Why do you have to be so stubborn?" he asked as he held out my flask and a brown paper bag.

"I told you yesterday why, regardless of what happened last night, I have to keep my nose clean at the academy, I will be going to class Andy." I said, not taking the items out of his hand.

"Fine... but eat at least, please." he said and he gestured again for me to take the food from him. I stepped close enough to reach the food but still kept a decent distance between him and myself. 

"Why are you so scared of me right now? You called for me. What did you think I would do Scarlet? Did you just expect me to walk up to him and ask him to take his fingers out of you and leave you alone? This after I made it quite clear to you what I'd do to anyone who laid a hand on you. You should've known I would come in that form." he said, irritation evident in his voice.

"I know... I'm just... I don't know Andy. I just don't want to be touched at the moment. It's not you, I swear... I just... need to regulate myself again. I need to do that without physical contact. Can you understand that without taking offense? I swear... I don't mean any harm. I just need myself right now... okay?" I asked and he nodded slowly.

"I'm sorry... None of this would've happened if I'd just insisted on walking back with you." he said as he looked away from me.

"Don't do that. Don't you dare blame yourself. What happened isn't either of our faults. The one at fault is suffering right now, as he should. Thank you for saving me... It would've been worse if you didn't come." I said and he made eye-contact with me again.

"D-Did he hurt you?" he asked cautiously.

"No, I mean sure, it was uncomfortable. But no, he didn't get a chance to." I said.

Andy stepped closer to me and brought his hand up to my cheek but stopped before he touched me. 

"He hit you?" he asked and I looked away, turning that side of my face away from him and walking past him to the bathroom.

I examined my cheek in the mirror and sure enough, there was a light bruise there. I pulled out my make-up kit and covered it up well. I saw Andy watch me through the mirror's reflection.

"You girls are scary. It makes me wonder how many of you cover up things with make-up." he said as he leant in the doorway.

"You have no idea..." I said as I smiled and winked at him, making him smile in turn.

We left my room and walked to class. We munched on our croissants and sipped on our orange juice on the way there. Andy walked close to me but was mindful not to touch me. Once we reached our class, everyone was talking about how Mr Caid had been injured, no one knew the truth but rumors were that he was involved in a bar fight that had apparently taken place last night at the bar off-campus.

The fight had happened but obviously Mr Caid wasn't present at the fight but that's what everyone believed so we decided to keep it that way.

"Hey Scar, Candy and I are going to hit the mall after class. You don't have English or science today. Are you going to join us?" Evelynn asked and I nodded.

"That's awesome, I could use some retail therapy." I said and she smiled.

Andy shifted uncomfortably next to me but I ignored it. We made our way into class and to our seats. The bell went and our substitute teacher stepped into the class.

"Alright everyone, I am Mr Jenkins but you guys can call me Dean. I'll be standing in for Mr Caid as he recovers. I wont be teaching today but lessons will resume as per normal from tomorrow. Please keep yourselves busy, sign in attendance and no one is to leave the class." he announced before sitting down and opening his laptop.

Everyone took that as a cue to start chatting between themselves and Evelynn turned to me.

"Girl... we need to talk." she said with a serious look on her face.

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