Would you?

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I had decided to skip all my classes the next day after sending the admin of the academy an apology for not informing them I was "sick". Zion had stepped out for the day after informing me to do my hair and make-up to compliment a red dress. I rested most of the day before I eventually pulled myself out of bed to start getting ready.

I was busy doing my hair after I completed my make-up before I saw Zion appear behind me in a cloud of black smoke in the reflection of the mirror. He was holding a black dress bag and looked handsome in a neat tux with a white shirt. He had his hair half up, half down. Man... he is fucking attractive. After I finished putting the last ruby pin into my hair, I turned around to face him.

"You already look stunning my love." Zion said as he slowly pulled the zip of the dress bag down.

He took the hanger out of the bag and a beautiful crimson red dress flowed out of it. It had a bustier-type top and a long flowing skirt that had two slits in the front where my legs would peek out of up until my thighs.

"Zion..." I breathed out speechless at the beautiful dress before me.

"Let me help you put it on." he said as he approached me.

The dress fit like it was made for me. I turned to look at my reflection and even I had to admit, I looked amazing. Zion gently hugged me from behind and rested his chin on my shoulder.

"You look perfect. Truly breath-taking." he said as he kissed my neck.

"Thank you Zion and thank you for trusting me with this precious dress. It means a lot." I said as I leant back against him.

"It's yours now." he whispered into my ear before kissing my temple.

"Thank you. I promise I'll look after it well." I said.

"I don't doubt that." He said as he released me.

"Ronnie asked for all of us to meet in the parking garage. We need to carpool to have less cars at the house." I said and he nodded, taking my hand and leading me out of my dorm room.

I hoped that none of the admin would see me as we headed over to the parking garage. Luckily me made it there without any confrontations from staff members. 

My jaw dropped when I saw Andy step into view next to Ronnie. He was in an all black tux with a black shirt with his top button undone. We made eye-contact as we stared at each to each in shock before his eyes narrowed as they landed on Zion. 

Zion and I approached the group and they looked at me in shock. I couldn't take my eyes off Andy and he couldn't keep his narrowed eyes off Zion who looked unbothered.

"Alright guys, all of us look fucking mint. We need to decide who travels with who. Ideally we only want to take two cars." He said.

"Scar and Zion can drive with me. Evelynn and Candice can drive with you, Radke. There, sorted." Andy said hurriedly before making his way over to his car.

"I'll sit in the back." I said, feeling the bad vibes coming off both men.

"No, my love, you sit up front. There's no telling how Andrew will react having me next to him." Zion said as he lead me to the passenger side.

"I have Andrew under control, don't you worry about that, Master." Andy said emphasizing Zion's title with sarcasm.

Zion chuckled before opening the door for me.

"I see you still haven't changed a bit, my boy." Zion said, mimicking Andy and earning a scowl from him.

"Guys... could we like... not do any of... this... tonight? No drama Andy... You promised Ronnie." I said to Andy and he rolled his eyes and got into the driver's seat.

I climbed in and Zion shut the door for me. As I put my safety belt on, the fabric of my skirt slipped to the side, exposing my entire thigh. I saw Andy's vision dart to my thigh and then to my eyes as he had a pained lustful look on his face.

Zion climbed into the car and leaned forward between me and Andy and fixed the fabric of my skirt to cover my thigh again. He sat back again before doing up his safety belt too. Andy looked visibly irritated.

He started the car and we were off, following close behind Ronnie's car. An uncomfortable, awkward silence fell in the car. I could hear my own heartbeat and the vibrations of the car engine.

"Why'd you put us in your car, I thought it was maybe because you wanted to say something to me but here you are, as quiet as a mouse." Zion asked.

"I do have something to say. But she asked for us not to this tonight. So it will have to wait." Andy said as he gripped his steering wheel tighter.

"Sure if it's just talking, I don't see the harm." Zion pressed on.

"Fine. I want to know what you're intentions are for her." Andy demanded in a calm voice.

"I'm not sure yet." Zion answered and Andy flexed his jaw.

"Don't lie to me. By now I'm sure you've figured out her connection to your wife's murderer. You planning to use her to get revenge?" Andy pressed on.

"No, I'm not planning on getting revenge or even going up against Harvey White. I just know, I need her in my life." Zion said.

"Does she have to be in your life as your partner?" Andy asked and the car went silent again.

"I see where this is going and I'm not okay with it Andrew. You fumbled the ball with her. You don't deserve to have her in your life as a partner anymore. I will not idly stand by and watch you hurt her again." Zion said firmly.

"I will never hurt her again Zion." Andy said confidently.

"Oh I trust you, but I don't trust your demon. You will only ever fully be in control of him if you merge with him." Zion said.

"If I did that, would you let her go? Let her come back to me?" Andy asked and Zion chuckled.

"You've slept with her, you've seen her sensual face as she breaks. If the roles were reversed would you be able to let her go?" Zion asked and Andy went silent again, tensing his jaw.

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