The Birthday Party

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We pulled up to the obnoxiously big mansion, there were already a lot of cars parked in the designated parking area. We pulled into a spot on gravel ground that was a distant from the entrance.

"Will you be able to walk this distance in those heels?" Andy asked.

"I'll try." I said.

Andy and Zion got out of the car and Zion opened my door for me as Andy rounded the car as if  to do the same. He glared at Zion as I took his hand. Zion linked his arm with mine to steady me as I felt my heels sit uneasily on the gravel.

Andy gently took my other arm and linked it with his. Together we walked towards where Ronnie and the girls parked. 

"Why do I already have a bad feeling about inviting both of you guys?" Ronnie said as we stopped by them.

"There will be no drama Radke, relax will you?" Andy said and Ronnie looked skeptical.

"Alright, let's go then. Scar, can we enter together?" Ronnie asked me, holding his arm out to me.

"You still didn't tell her?" I asked him shocked.

"We can do that now. Let her just see us together one last time before we crush her." he said and I rolled my eyes and took hold of his arm. 

I struggled with my heels on the gravel and I felt my ankle roll. I fell away from Ronnie but Andy caught me swiftly before scooping my feet out from underneath me to carry me bridal-style.

"I'll put you down after the gravel, you can still walk in with him as planned." Andy said as he tried to calm my shock at his actions.

I looked over his shoulder at Zion who looked pissed. I gave him an apologetic look and his expression softened again. Andy set me down onto the even ground again and Ronnie hurriedly linked our arms again.

We stepped through the entrance and we were instantly attacked with a hug from his mother.

"Aww my babies. I missed you both." she said tenderly before letting us go.

She took in my whole outfit and her jaw dropped.

"My goodness, Scarlet you look... drop-dead gorgeous. Honey, you get even more beautiful every time I see you." She said and I smiled.

"Thank you Angela. You look stunning as well. Happy Birthday." I said as I hugged her again and she held me tightly.

"Oh Ronnie, you brought friends?" She asked and he nodded.

"Yeah, this is Scar's best friend, Evelynn, this is Candice, Evelynn's girlfriend. This is Andy, Scarlet's new boyfriend." He closed his eyes for a second, "Sorry, I mean Andy is her ex-boyfriend and this is Zion, her current boyfriend." he said nervously before looking back at his mother.

"You and Scar split? What did you do Ronald?" his mom asked him disapprovingly.

"I fucked up. But it's okay, Scar and I are still really good friends." He said and she rolled her eyes.

"And you, Andy was it? What did you do?" she interrogated him, Andy looked a little taken back.

"I fucked up too, Ma'am." He said nervously.

"Pity, you two idiots fumbled the ball bad. Zion right?" she asked him and he nodded.

"You're a beautiful young man, my, your hair is amazing." she said as she walked up to him and stroked a section of his long hair before letting it fall back down on his front again.

"Thank you Miss Radke, I appreciate the compliment." He said formally.

"Ah what a gentleman, You'd best not fuck up like these two idiots." she said before patting him on his shoulder.

"I don't intend to. Scarlet is an amazing girl." he said and she smiled.

"That she is. Say, you wont mind if I steal your boyfriend for a sec? I just have to show my ladies this man's gorgeous hair." she said.

"Of course not, just don't forget to return him." I said jokingly.

She linked her arm with Zion and dragged him away.

"Poor guy. He has no idea what awaits him." Ronnie chuckled.

"He'll be fine." I said.

"Where's the booze at Ron?" Evelynn asked Ronnie who pointed in the general direction of the bar.

Andy, Ronnie and I just stood awkwardly in the entrance foyer.

"Let's go up to my room, I have better liquor there." Ronnie said.

Andy and I followed him up the staircase until we got to the third floor. We made our way over to Ronnie's room and closed the door behind us. The room looked exactly how I remembered it. King sized bed in the corner of the room and his gaming set up on the other side.

"Where is this booze you spoke of?" Andy said as he plopped himself down onto Ronnie's bed.

Ronnie walked over to his wardrobe and took out 3 bottles of whiskey. He tossed a bottle over to Andy who caught it. He handed the other two to me.

"I'm going to get some soda water downstairs." Ronnie said before leaving the room.

Andy leant back onto his elbows and looked at me lustfully.

"Don't look at me like that." I said to him as I went over to place the bottles on the bedside table.

"Why not?" he said smirking.

"Don't start with me Andy." I said and he chuckled.

"I need to feed." he said.

"We can't do that here are you crazy?" I asked him shocked.

"I'll be quick, I promise. Come here." he said as he held his arms open for me.

I rolled my eyes and straddled his lap. He sat up and brought me close to him. He let his fangs drop and quickly sunk it into my neck before retracting so he could start sucking. I felt the wave of pleasure course through my body again and I could feel a growing need between my legs.

Fuck, not now.

Andy unlatched from me and snaked his hand under my skirt and quickly shoved my thong to the side. He ran his fingers along my wetness before plunging two fingers into me.

"Fuck, Andy, you can't." I moaned as he pumped his fingers in and out of me.

"Shhh, just enjoy it." he said as he increased his speed, curling his fingers inside me.

I threw my head back as I let myself go. He peppered kisses along my neck. I felt my climax approaching and as soon as it took me, I heard the door open.

"You guys have got to be fucking kidding me." Ronnie said as he stepped into the room and closed the door quickly behind him.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 15, 2023 ⏰

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