Unexpected visitor

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Andy walked into my room, waking me up. 

"Why didn't you knock?" I whined rubbing my eyes.

"My hands are full. You overslept." he mumbled.

I sat up and looked at him. 

"Jesus Scar." he said as the rope of liquorice in his mouth dropped to the floor.

I looked down at myself. Right, I went to sleep naked after my shower last night. I pulled my blanket up to cover my breasts. He put the goodies in his hands down and picked the liquorice rope up off the ground and blew on it before placing it back in his mouth.

"Ew." I said in disgust.

"What? Five second rule." he said innocently.

"Not for that, you're eating liquorice, gross." I said fake gagging.

"I like it, you just have childish tastebuds." he stated matter-of-factly.

He grabbed a box and handed it to me with my flask.

"Here." he said and I took it from him.

I flipped the box over and saw what it was. Plan B. Nice

"Please take it, trust me, you don't want a demon baby." he said as he bit a piece off his liquorice.

"I don't want a baby, full stop." I said as I opened the box.

"I'm sorry about last night..." he started but I cut him off.

"Can we rather not talk about it?" I said and he looked like he wanted to argue but he let it go.

"If you'd prefer that then fine. But just know... I wont let that happen again." he said and I nodded in agreement.

"Good, because it still hurts. I don't think I'm going to attend any classes today." I said to him and he sighed.

"You want me to stay by you?" he offered and I shook my head without hesitation.

"I'd appreciate it more if you went to class and took notes for me." I said and he raised a brow.

"Ever the nerd you are. But fine, it's the least I can do for putting you in this position." he stated.

"You didn't put me in this position Andy, he did." I corrected him.

"He is me." he stated.

"No the fuck he isn't." I argued back and he just shook his head in apparent annoyance.

He went over to my closet and pulled out a T-shirt, matching shorts and a panty and tossed it to me.

"At least get dressed, knowing you're naked under there is driving me crazy." he said as he went back over to the desk to pick up the brown paper bag.

"And eat please." he said as he placed the food on my lap.

"Thank you Andy, I appreciate it." I said with as much genuine gratitude as I could muster.

"It's nothing, really. The cafeteria is on my way to you in the mornings." he said.

"It's not nothing to me. So thank you anyway." I answered him.

"We'll I'm going to go, I don't want to be late. I'll see you later okay?" he said as he leant down to kiss my forehead.

I nodded and he left my room. I swung my legs out of my bed and tried to stand. The pain between my legs forced me to sit down again. Fuck it hurts so bad. I looked down at my vagina and I see the bruising as clear as day. Shit, it looks bad

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