Strange encounter

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I made my way to the cafeteria after my Advanced English class. The new student Andrew would be taking Cassidy's seat there next to me as well. 

I was hugged from the back, causing me to jump.

"Relax babe, it's just me." Ronnie said as he kissed the back of my head.

"Don't do that, you scared me." I said, still a little startled.

"Sorry. They have sushi today, do you want to go grab us a table while I get us some?" he asked.

"Sure." I said and I turned to kiss his cheek before parting from him.

I found a table close to the fireplace and took a seat. Moments later Evelynn came to sit next to me with her tray of pizza.

"Nice table, it's so toasty here." she said as she took a bite out her pizza.

"I know right. It's actually pretty cold out today. I should've worn a jacket." I said.

"Well, the fire ought to keep you warm, I'm sure Ronnie wont mind lending you his jacket for when we leave the cafeteria." she said.

Ronnie approached the table and set down two trays. My tray had sushi, a sparkling grape juice and an orange. His had sushi, pizza and a cola.

"Sushi and pizza?" I asked him and he chuckled.

"Yeah my two favorite foods, I had to have both. Oh, Hi Eve." he said as he started eating.

"Hi Ronald." she said, earning a glare from him.

"How was class babe?" Ronnie asked me.

"It was okay, found out that there's a new student taking Cassidy's seat in Biology and advanced English." I said.

"Yeah I heard there's a new student transferring into 2nd year. Don't know who in their right mind would transfer here in their second year." Ronnie said as he took another bite of pizza.

"Maybe he comes from an incredibly wealthy family. Those are the only people crazy enough to transfer to a new academy in the middle of a course." Evelynn said.

"Maybe." I said as I started eating.

We ate in silence and the bell went.

"I've got one more class for the day. Then I'll head to my room to get ready for the party tonight." I told them.

"Nice Eve, you convinced her to go tonight." Ronnie said, commending her.

"No convincing was needed, she thought you'd drag her with anyway." she said.

"Probably, definitely." he said.

"Haha." I fake laughed, causing them both to laugh at me.

"Babe, you want me to walk you to your next class?" Ronnie asked.

"It's okay, its not far." I said to him and nodded.

I stood up to leave and they remained seated.

"I'll see you later babe." Evelynn said mimicking Ronnie's voice.

"Very funny Eve. See you later babe." he said.

I hugged them both then headed to the next building for my Science class. I rounded the last corner before the building I was heading to and bumping right into someone wearing a large black hoodie and black skinny jeans. My bag's strap fell from my shoulder and he caught it and quickly placed it back on my shoulder.

"Sorry." he mumbled in a low voice and continued walking past me.

I spun around to look as his figure walking away quickly. I didn't even get a look at his face. What a strange encounter. I wonder who that is.

I continued walking to the science building. I entered the class and went to my seat, at a large white table. I looked over at the empty seat next to me. Cassidy was my science partner, I wonder if that new student will be taking her seat here too.

When the attendance sheet made its way to me again, my suspicions were confirmed. Andrew Biersack was going to be my lab partner in her place. 

The science lesson flew by quickly and the bell went. I got my books together and stood up. I left the class and made my way back to my dorm. I checked the time. 16:47. Evelynn would be heading to my room soon as well.

I entered my room and dropped my back next to my bed and fell down onto my bed. I pulled out my phone and opened Facebook. I tapped on the search bar and typed in "Andrew Biersack".

The first result that came up was a verified page for Andy Black. I clicked on the page and read the bio. "Musician/Band". I clicked on the profile photo and saw an attractive guy with jet-black hair, sky-blue eyes and a defined jaw-line. I wonder if this is him

I scrolled through the photos on the page as well as the comments and saw comments about girls loving Andy Biersack. I guess this is him. It's a very uncommon last name. So he's a famous musician in a band called Black Veil Brides. 

I went to Youtube and typed the band name in the search bar. I clicked on a video for a song called "In the end". The song started playing and my jaw dropped. Wow, their music is amazing. Andrew had a deep voice and he was truly a beautiful human being.

If he is such a successful artist with a huge career, what is he doing coming to the academy? 

Then again, Ronnie was a musician too but his band was taking a much needed break from touring, a hiatus of sort. Ronnie had come to the academy because his parents basically forced him to come here or he'd be disinherited. He was just doing a business course because it was the easiest course to complete with minimal classes. But Andrew is taking fairly difficult classes. It made no sense.

A knock on my room door signaled Evelynn's arrival.

"Come in." I called out to her.

She entered my room with a duffel bag and threw it onto my bed.

"You're lying down?" she asked.

"Yeah I was just Facebook stalking the new student. Turns out he is a super-famous musician in a very successful rock band." I said.

"I know. The girls on campus are going nuts, anticipating his arrival." she said as she sat down next to me.

"Oh." I said, annoyed that I was probably the last to find out about who he is.

"When they announced he was coming here on the first day of the semester, we were all warned during the welcoming assembly that he is to be left alone and anyone infringing on his privacy would be reprimanded. He is to be treated as a normal student." she said in a voice mimicking the Dean of the academy.

"I can understand that, there are so many famous students and children of famous people and none of them get special treatment." I said.

"Not even you Miss Daughter of a billionaire." she said mocking me. 

"Oh shush. Let's get ready, what are you going to wear?" I asked.

"Oh just something that screams 'I'm a lesbian'" she laughed.

"Of course. I don't know what I'm going to wear yet." I said.

"Well, let's see what daddy bought you in Paris." she said as she walked over to my closet.

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