Chapter 6

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January 27, 7:03am

I didn't woke up at the middle of the night, I have a once in a lifetime peaceful sleep today. It's perfect, But there's always someone who will ruin that shit for you. My sleep was interrupted by a heavy knock from the door and a loud voice from outside, like someone is close to punching my door.

"Y/N!! OPEN THE FUCKING DOOR. I KNOW YOU'RE IN THERE." I heard Mia calling me. What in the world is her problem to show up in my house at early in the morning?

I immediately stand up from the couch, but I stepped on someone's foot. It's Cate, of course. Who else?

"ouch", She says in whisper, the blanket still in her face. That definitely woke her up, I'm such a disaster.
"fuck, sorry. Mia is outside, I need to open the door." I said while running.

The moment I open the door, Her loud voice is the one you will hear around the house. Definitely not a good one.

"GREAT, YOU'RE ALIVE! You worried my ass for 24hrs, Y/n. Did you forgot how to use a phone? it's a tool for TELLING SOMEONE IF THEY GOT HOME SAFE OR NOT. And Did you know that my mom is close from calling a police? yeah, you heard that right, you're almost a missing person in New York! I want to kill you, right in this moment.", She said letting herself get inside while glairing at me, angrily.

I face her, "I'm sorry, okay? A lot happened yesterday, I'm telling you... And from what I remembered, the longest time we didn't talk to each other is 4 weeks? so I know you didn't actually think of me for a whole day.", I said to her whispering and crossed my arms.

"Yeah, I know. I just want to annoy you today." she said, but then she hit my arm. "But still?! Your mother will probably fly back here if she found out you're missing or got killed by someone... Plus, I was here yesterday but you're obviously not. I was just going to invite you to go again in the Theatre, I heard from someone that Cate was there. Huh, sucks on you, you missed it."

"Yeah, about that--"
"Wait wait wait" she said while putting her hands to my face to stop me, "Why do you have someone in your bed? Are you-- DID YOU GOT LAID? FUCKING FINALY" Shit, she saw her. I opened the door and drag her outside, immediately.
"No! I did not! I would tell you everything later, I promise. But first, you need to go home now because you're waking up my guest. Thank you, love you!" I told her in hurry then close the door without letting her talk again.

Since I don't have intention to sleep anymore, I decided to maybe cook now.

Minutes of washing the pans, I saw Cate get up, stretching her arms, "Good morning, Y/n".
"Hi, Good morning, Catie. Sorry about Mia... and about your foot, does it hurt?" I said shyly.
"It's fine, No. But why didn't you let her stay? I heard she's worried about you?" she says looking at me.
"I did, and she somehow saw you. Buuuut still doesn't know it's 'you', so It's good. And no, she only wants to barged in. She already did that a lot of times."
"Y/n, it's okay if she recognize me. Besides, she's your best friend."
"Yeah, but I'm certain she's going freak out" I said while washing my hands, "Anyway, Do you want coffee? What do you want to eat?"
She nodded, "Oh, you decide. I'm not a picky eater. Can I use your bathroom?"
"Of course"

I was just done from cooking when she insisted to help me in preparing the plates while I'm making our coffee. I decided to cook some bacon and eggs, plus the pancakes that I eat almost everyday. I'm praying it would be actually good since making a bad impression about my cook would kill me on the spot.

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