Chapter 47

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Raindrops tapped gently against the windows, a soothing lullaby that had persisted since the previous night. The soft patter of rain was a perfect companion to the early morning, a tranquil backdrop that seemed to whisper promises of cozy days ahead, especially with Christmas just around the corner.

Y/n sat nestled on the couch, a warm blanket draped over her legs. The television screen is flickered to life, casting a soft glow that illuminated the dim room. Home Alone was currently playing in front of them, a movie favorite that always played during Christmas season on every television around the world.

Beside Y/n is Edith, who's been snuggled to her since last night. The sound of thunder had startled the young girl, and she had sought solace in between the two lovers, ultimately falling asleep in the safety of their embrace.

At this moment, it was just the two of them in the living room. The boys were still tucked away in their own rooms, while Dashiell, who had returned home for the holidays, was likely still catching up on sleep from his journey. And Cate, well, Y/n could only assume her partner was still lost in dreams, probably even snoring like the way both Y/n and Edith left her on the bed.

The movie had reached a particularly entertaining scene, the one where the two bumbling robbers were trying to execute their mischievous plans to Kevin. Y/n couldn't help but smile as she stole a glance at Edith, who was wrapped up like a cozy cocoon, giggling at the film while her head resting comfortably against Y/n's shoulder.

Edith's wide, curious brown eyes were fixed on the screen, her innocent gaze filled with wonder as she watched the film unfold for the first time. She adjusted the blanket around Edith, her fingers gentle as she ensured the young girl was snug and warm. Y/n found herself wrapped in a sense of contentment, a serene happiness that settled deep within her. There was something profoundly heartwarming about this moment— within the child's embrace and the thought the other three and her lover is calmly sleeping upstairs, it is what peaceful looks like to her. A calming rainy day away from danger. Y/n even somehow thanked the rain in her head, thankful for the fact that her family is kept safe in their home.

And soon enough, the magic of the moment began to draw others in. One by one, the rest of the household stirred awake, drawn to the cozy scene unfolding in the living room. Ignatius and Roman ambled in first, their hair adorably tousled while their eyes are still drowsy from sleep. They settled on the floor both sharing a blanket over them to keep themselves warm as their gaze fixed on the tv as they take interest on the movie. Not long after, Dashiell emerged from his room, looking every bit the college student he had become,his headphones are in his ears as he silently took a seat on the armrest of the couch to join them. And finally, Cate padded into the room. Y/n even watch her pull a blanket with lazy eyes as she took a seat next to her daughter, it's a sight of her that made Y/n think that the two boys got this morning mannerism from their mother. She find it really adorable.

Y/n looked at each of them, all faces are turned in the movie in front. "Who wants hot chocolate? Anyone?" she offered, her voice a hushed softly not to distract them from watching. A chorus of agreement met her question, and with a gentle smile, she disentangled herself from Edith's embrace and rose from the couch.

As Y/n prepared the drinks, she couldn't help but glance back at the living room, where everyone was now fully gathered. Watching them from her spot, she thought how simple and lovely they look like, and somehow still can't believe she's part of them. It always make her heart melt. This was what it meant to be home, she said to herself. To have a place where you belonged completely, unconditionally.

The rain continued to dance outside, the warmth of the living room wrapped around them, creating a bubble of love and peacefulness. The movie played on, the film itself blends seamlessly in the room as they all share joy and laughter that filled their home. And in that quiet, perfect morning, Y/n realizes how in many ways she cares for them. She knows how she badly wanna keep this family with full of this kind of serenity, and her love for each of them are deep and sincere that she would choose to see them happy no matter what.

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