Chapter 27

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The early Saturday morning was started by the eye-dazzling daylight peeking through the curtain openings. I turn around, hiding from the hot sunrise in the window that straightly hits my face. I blindly touched the other side of this bed, supposedly feeling Cate's arm, but I ended up skimming a cold sheet.

It made me open my eyes, blinking to wake my head up.

Where is she?

I yawn as I stretch my arms and legs so my body can wake up too. I lazily get my phone on the bedside table, checking the time on my lock screen.

9:18 am

Right, I woke up late again, and she didn't wake me this time.

I slowly sat up, rubbed my eyes, and yawned for another time. I stayed in that position for a moment, looking around, still with my sleepy eyes. Then my phone rang, vibrating in my hands while my ringtone played in the background. I can't remember whether I know this number, and It's not even from here.

It was an international call. Who the hell will call me this early?

"Hello, this is y/n speaking," I spoke with a professional tone. It might be a work thing.

The person who called me didn't answer, so I asked, "Hi? Who's this?"

Whoever this is answered me by ending the call.

Weird. This person might be rich for wasting a call outside the country.

A little bit confused, I put my phone back on the table before leaving the bed to do my routine.


Walking down the stairs, I already hear from the kitchen that Cate is cooking. I walked faster, excitedly wanting to see her this early.

And here she is; My Blondie is busy on the stove. So I stood in the corner, watching her multitasking, cooking in the pan while preparing something on the plate.

I can't help not to smile at this sight. I really love it when I just watch Cate doing her things passionately. She was so focused that she didn't even notice my presence.

When she finally turned around, she was a little bit startled. "Cunt!" Cate shouted surprisingly when she unexpectedly saw me.

My smile grew, "Good morning to you too."

"Don't do that again. I almost drop the plate!" She scolded as she put the plate of sandwiches on the table.

I walked in her direction so I could hug her from behind. Then, since Cate is taller than me, I tip my toe so I can put my chin on her shoulder, "You didn't wake me."

"Well, I'm not your walking alarm clock." She said before kissing me on the cheeks as she put some bread on the pan. "Good morning, Darling."

I chuckled at her reply. It gave me a thought that made me smirk at my idea, "You're not, but your lips are. You always wake me with your kisses."

Even though I couldn't exactly see her, I knew she smiled. "Flirt with me later. I'm busy." She simply replied.

"Killjoy," I tap her tummy before pulling away. "Where are your kids?"

"Oh, Playing badminton outside...Can you please pass that butter, sweetie?" She asked as she gestured to the butter behind me while checking the stove's heat.

I follow her command, replying, "They are so early. Have they eaten?"

"I'm making breakfast, so obviously, no...You know, you should join them. So, you're not distracting me here." Cate suggested while she walked past me.

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