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Christian's POV-

So, I'm not really sure how Jack even met these girls, but they seem pretty cool for strangers. Their names are Emerson and Olivia. Jack really seems into Olivia, so they're talking. I feel bad for Emerson because she's just walking without talking. It's her birthday, it's my birthday. That's something to talk about. Right?

I know I talk to girls all the time, but Emerson seems different. When I look at her face, I notice that she doesn't wear much makeup, so I can also see the light freckles that go across the brim of her nose. I see her beautiful green eyes, like that green forest you see in the movies. I've never seen a girl so beautiful, and I get to spend the day with her.

I went over to Jack when he started to text back at the hotel. I looked over his shoulder and was so mad at what he did.


"Dude!" I said whisper-yelling. "You cannot tell her that."

"Why not?" he said pressing SEND

"Jack I'm gonna kill you." I said as the girl looked over at us.


I decided to make a conversation with Emerson, so I went over to her and started talking.

"Hi, I'm Christian." I said with a smile.

"Hi, I'm Emerson." she replied with a beautiful smile.

We followed the rest of the group into some restaurant.

"Happy birthday!" I said with enthusiasm, sitting next to her in the huge booth.

"Same to you." she said giggling.

"How old are you?" I asked.

"14, you?" she replied.

"15." I answered.

"What do you like to do for fun?" I asked awkwardly.

"Um, I play guitar and piano, and sing, you?" she asked.

"I play ukelele, guitar, and piano, and make stupid puns." I answered.

"On vine? That's what it's called, right?" she asked.

"Yeah. You don't have the app?" I asked curiously.

"No. I'm always either at a theatre rehearsal or a music lesson, so the only social media app I have is Instagram." she replied.

"You should totally follow me." I said.

"Only if you follow me back." she replied, smirking.

"Sounds good." I said.

Emerson gave me her silver iPhone 6 and I went into the app. I searched my Instagram username. I followed myself for her. I then gave her her phone back, and followed her on my phone. I looked on her profile a bit and saw singing videos. I clicked on one that was captioned 'Riptide'. I started blaring it out of my phone, unintentionally on the highest volume setting.

"Shhh! Turn that down!" she said, the group staring.

I quickly turned it down and looked at her, her face down at the menu, and everyone staring at me.

"I'm sorry Emerson, you're really good." I said quietly.

"It's okay, just embarrassing." she said, smiling at me.

I think I like her.

a/n: thanks for reading! I don't know how young Christian would date, but yeah. I'll post again soon! -5sosleave :)

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