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Scarlet Anne Walker has been friends with Billy Loomis, Stuart 'Stu' Macher, Tatum Riley and Randy Meeks since she moved to Woodsboro California, in grade 2. Now the group was in high school and things were slightly different, Billy and Stu joined the football team, Tatum joined cheer, Randy joined AV club and Scarlet well she joined the school newspaper as a photographer. Scarlet walked around the empty school since she was working late on the paper, she was passing the office when the door opened "Miss Walker can I talk to you for a moment?" Principal Himbry asked, causing Scarlet to jump a little "oh sure, Mr Himbry." She said walking into the office, she waited for him. Himbry walked the girl into his office "please have a seat." He said motioning to the chairs in front of his desk Scarlet set her bag down and had a seat in one of the chairs "how are your classes?" He asked, walking around his office moving over to the closet grabbing a glass from the shelf inside pouring something into the glass, she shifted "well you know sir it's the end of the year so things have been kinda slow but also hectic." She said Himbry had stopped behind her chair placing his hand on her shoulder moving her hair "well of course." He said, handing her the glass "here have a drink." He said she tried to deny "TAKE IT!!" He yelled at her "NOW DRINK IT!!" He snapped, causing her to jump but she took a big drink "and swallow." He said she shook her head as his fingers reached to pinch her nose. She tried to fight but ended up swallowing the drink. Himbry smirked as he sat in front of her "soon you'll be all mine." He chuckled. Scarlet went to move but her mind felt a little fuzzy and her limbs felt heavy. Himbry just watched as she fell off her chair onto the floor, he pushed himself off the desk and walked over to the door making sure it was locked, he walked over to Scarlet pulling her skirt and panties down her legs then pushed her shirt up along with her bra, he started toying with her breasts before undoing his pants pushing them and his briefs down, “I’ve been watching you all year Miss Walker.” he said as he rolled on a condom before he slammed into her not caring at all if she was prepped Scarlet tried to wince “N…o” she got out with a lot of work, but Himbry ignored her "now if you tell anyone what happened today I will make your life hell." He growled into her ear. Scarlet was screaming in her head, she was trying to move her body but she couldn’t do a thing. Himbry finished into the condom, slowly pulling out of her he tied it off tossing it in the trash. He fixed her clothes and fixed himself before standing her up "can you stand?" He asked Scarlet made a noise as if to say no. He sat her outside of the office knowing that cheer and football practice was still going on he left her there as he went back into his office. Scarlet was starting to be able to move again, she could hear him on the phone she inched off the bench just wanting to get out of there. Scarlet made it out to her bike as Billy and Stu were coming out of the school seeing her. "Scar? You okay?" Stu asked as the boys walked over to her She shook her head "What's wrong?" Billy asked bending slightly to look at her face, she was crying and her hair was a mess. Stu looked at her, seeing a bit of blood on the inside of her leg, he nudged Billy motioning to what he saw. The shorter one of the two looked where the other was motioning, his eyes widening. "Want us to drive you home?" Stu asked, she nodded Billy went on one side of her as Stu got the other making sure that she was okay. The three of them got to Billy's car getting in, Scarlet got into the back letting Stu have the passenger seat. "Scarlet, you need to tell us what happened." Billy said looking at the girl through the rear view mirror, she sighed “he..he raped me.” she stuttered out Billy and Stu both turned toward her “who did?” Stu asked holding back his growl “Himbry” she said softly “he’s a dead man.” Billy growled “Billy she needs to go to the hospital.” Stu said quickly “no, he said if I tell anyone that he’d make my life hell.” she said. “We’ll protect you.” Stu said, climbing into the back seat with her. Scarlet put her head on Stu’s shoulder  “why don’t you stay with one of us tonight?” Stu said playing with her hair “or we could have a sleepover and watch some horror movies.” Billy suggested Scarlet smiled at the idea “yes please.” She said, Billy started the car and drove to her house for her to get her things before driving to Stu’s house since it was basically his second home. "Aren't your parents going to question why we're both here?" Scarlet asked as they pulled into the driveway "hell no, they're out of town and Leslie is out with her friends or something." Stu laughed as we got out of the car going inside. Billy grabbed her hand pulling her into him "I'm sorry, he's a fucking creep." He said kissing the top of her head as she cuddled into his chest "hey I want a hug."Stu  pouted, Scarlet reached out a hand pulling Stu over to them for a group hug.

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