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Scarlet woke up looked around seeing that she was in Billy's bedroom, she laid back down seeing Billy passed out beside her. She cuddled into him as he wrapped his arm around her, "You know we have school right?" She mumbled to him. Billy just groaned and held her tighter "No school, sleep." He muttered. Scarlet got up going over to her things she kept at his place pulling out a pair of jeans and a tank top along with a bra and underwear. She checked to make sure Billy was still sleeping before changing into fresh clothes. "Woah, if this is what I get every morning, you're moving in." He said from his bed causing Scarlet to turn around blushing as she found him wide awake. "Get up and get ready. I'll go make us food." She says before going over kissing him then leaving to head to the kitchen. Billy got ready grabbing their bags before heading to the kitchen and seeing Scarlet had made fried egg sandwiches and coffee "ok you are definitely moving in." He says as he eats his. Scarlet smiled as she ate hers, "so what was it like?" She asks as she touched her head where the bump was. "To be honest? Exciting" He says frowning at her "I'm really sorry about that." He says getting up and kissing the bump. "It's fine, I know why you did it and it had to happen." She said. The two made it to school seeing Tatum and Stu waiting along with a lot of reporters. Scarlet looked around shocked as she got to her friends, Tatum launched herself at Scarlet "I was so worried, I knew that you were at her place. I tried to call you but no one answered." She said Scarlet smiled "Tate, I'm fine. I got out of there around 8 last night why?" She asked playing dumb. Tatum looked at her shocked "You don't know?" She asked, Scarlet shook her head "No, what happened?" She asked as Tatum leaned in "Casey and Steve were killed last night And not just killed, We're talking splatter movie killed-split open end to end." She whispers Scarlet gasps "Do they think it's school-related?" She asks gesturing to the police and everything "They have no idea, Dewey said this is the worse crime ever, even worse than Sid and her mother." Tatum said looking down as Scarlet hugged her "I miss her." Tatum sighs hugging Scarlet back as the bell rings, Tatum leaves as Scarlet, Billy, and Stu all share a slight smirk before walking behind her. Billy and Scarlet walk into class sitting down as the teacher walks in.
"It's such a sad thing that has happened." Miss Tate says before she started teaching, just as she was about to go over last night's homework a boy knocked on the door walking in, and hands Miss Tate a piece of paper "Alright Miss Walker and Mr Loomis your turns." She said motioning them to leave. The two teens head to the office seeing Sheriff Burke, Mr. Himbry, and Dewey standing outside of the office. The three men walk into the office as Billy walked in after them, he sat down as they started questioning him about his whereabouts the night before. He answered them before they let him leave. Scarlet stood waiting as Billy came out "I'll meet you right here." He said as she nods. "How are you today Miss Walker?" Sheriff Burke asks, Scarlet sighs "I'm good thanks." She say "Can you tell us what you were doing last night?" He asks her "Well I went over to Casey's right after school because of a project. We finished around 7:30 pm. I left at 8 and went to my boyfriend's for the night." She said as Dewey wrote down everything that was said "Who's your boyfriend?" Sheriff Burke asks, "Billy Loomis." She said. "Okay, you can go thank you, Scarlet." He said letting her leave, she went into the hall seeing Billy leaning against the wall, "Let's head to class." He said leading her away and back to Miss Tates class. It was lunchtime and the group of friends had decided to meet at the fountain like usual "Did they ask you if you like to hunt?" Stu asks Billy who nodded "Yeah, did they ask you?" He replies trying to steal a grape from Scarlet's lunch tray, Stu nodded his head as Randy came up to them making jokes.

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