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It had been about two weeks since the three friends had their little drinking party. Scarlet had become a shell of the person she used to be, she didn't care anymore she stopped talking to her friends except Billy and Stu, she would pick fights with her older sister Jane which wasn't like her. Her parents didn't really notice a difference because they weren't always home because of 'work'. Scarlet walked into the kitchen seeing Jane sitting at the island writing what looked to be a list of some sort "mom and dad left me in charge for the week." She said not looking at Scarlet "your point?" Scarlet asked, picking up an apple and grabbing a to go cup of coffee. "My point is that you need to do what I tell you." Jane said looking at her younger sister "if you're not in this house by 9pm you'll be locked out." Jane said with a satisfied smirk on her face. Scarlet laughed, "I have my own key." She said walking out of the kitchen leaving Jane there to look like a puffer fish. Scarlet walked out the front door seeing Billy waiting by his car "hey, what are you doing here?" She asks walking up to him "I'm taking you out." He said with a smirk. "You don't have too Billy." She blushes as he opens the passenger door for her to get in the car. “I need to tell you something.” he said as they started to drive, “what’s that?” she asked looking at him, “I like you.” he said, she smiled and looked at him “I like you too Billy.” she says as they pull into the park. The two got out and she went to the front of the car waiting for Billy who was grabbing something from the backseat, he walked over to her showing a blanket and picnic basket. He leads her to a set of trees not too far away. “ I want you to know that when we go back to school Stu and I will protect you.” he said, causing Scarlet to smile at him, “thank you, I just can’t get over that he did that to me.” she said sitting down on the blanket, Billy sat near her “we’ll make him pay.” he said a look in his eye that Scarlet had never seen before. “Pay how?” she asks, curious to what he had in mind. “I haven’t got that all figured out but just know, he will pay for even looking at you.” Billy said, handing her a sandwich. The two ate and joked around about things, Scarlet felt better than she had for a while and it was all thanks to the boy sitting in front of her. Billy knew that the girl was having trouble but he couldn’t really do anything yet, it wasn’t time. He needed to continue planning and making sure that his accomplice knew what needed to be done. “Wanna go watch a movie at my place?” he asks as they start to pack up “sure, sounds like fun.” she said as they headed towards his car. Billy pulled into his driveway seeing his dad's car wasn’t there. “Want a drink?” he asks as we go into the kitchen “sure thanks.” I say as he grabs two pops, he led her up to his room “pick whatever you want.” he says motioning to the shelves of movies. Scarlet looked at them all smiling as she went through them “how about A Nightmare on Elm Street?” she asks, Billy nods grabbing the movie and setting up everything as she climbs on his bed getting comfy. Billy starts the movie before going over and climbing onto the bed next to her putting his arm around her. Halfway through the movie Scarlet started to fall asleep, she layed her head on Billy’s shoulder causing him to look down at her. He shut the movie off and layed them both down pulling blankets over both of them, holding her close to him letting sleep take over himself. "What the hell is this?" A voice yells causing both teens to jump awake "dad, you know Scarlet." Billy says sitting up "what is she doing here?" Mr Loomis growls "we just fell asleep watching a movie sir." Scarlet says sitting up as well looking at him earning a glare from the man "I wasn't talking to you girl, I was talking to my son." He says causing Billy to stand up "don't talk to her like that, she's telling you the truth." Billy says "what are you doing home anyway?" He added, Mr Loomis glares "don't talk to me like that boy." He spat in his sons face storming out of the room going down the stairs and out the front door. Billy sighed before balling up his fists "I hate him." He growls out as he punches the wall, Scarlet got up as he kept punching the wall leaving a few holes. She walks over to him placing her hand on his shoulder, "Billy it's ok." She whispers  to him. Billy takes a few deep breaths before turning to her "Let's go out." He says grabbing her a pair of pants she had left at his place and one of his shirts "here you can change in here." He said handing her the clothes before grabbing himself clothes and heading into the bathroom to get dressed. Scarlet smiled as she changed quickly brushing her hair, Billy came into the room "ready?" He asks as she nods, the two headed out going over to Stu’s house seeing Tatum leaving.

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