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Scarlet woke up early so she could shower and eat something even though her stomach hurt and she felt like she was going to throw up. She knew that she felt like that because she was going to be seeing Mr Himbry today. "Scarlet hurry up, or you'll be late for school." Her mom called from downstairs, she hurried to get dressed not really caring what she looked like. Jane was already downstairs eating when Scarlet walked downstairs, Jane watched the girl as she made her coffee and grabbed a breakfast sandwich that their mother had made. "Are you going to talk to me?" Jane asks as Scarlet stands by the counter "why should I?" She asks sipping her coffee "well last night was uncalled for." Jane says as she puts her dishes in the sink. Scarlet laughed "I agree, you barged into my room and yelled at me and Billy for sleeping in the same bed when I know that you and Steve Orth have done way more in your bed, but not only did you yell at us you pulled me out of my bed by my hair Jane." Scarlet said as Jane just stood there staring at her younger sister "I was talking about your freak of a friend pulling out that damn knife." Jane spat, Scarlet tilted her head "what knife?" She asks  "Billy isn't a freak and he's also my boyfriend." She added before tossing her dishes in the sink before racing out of the house as Jane stood there confused.
Scarlet got outside seeing Billy pulling up, she raced down the steps getting into the car "wow where's the fire?" Billy asks as Scarlet gets in quickly tossing her bag in the backseat before leaning over and kissing the boy. "Nowhere I'm just happy I guess." She said with a shrug. Billy looked behind her seeing Jane standing at the front door, just seeing her made his blood boil. He knew he had to stick to the plan even if he didn't really want to. "Are we training tonight?" Scarlet asks as they pull up to Stu’s house seeing the tall boy running out the front door, "yes, we’re going to train you." Billy said as Stu got in the car "oh you told her great." He says as he settled in the backseat, Scarlet smiled as she sat in her seat but the smile slowly turned into a frown as the car got closer to the school "I don't want to see him." She said as they parked the car. Tatum stood by her car waiting for them, "I'll take you to all your classes." Billy said as they walked up to Tatum "aren’t you a gentleman." She laughs as Stu kisses her quickly. "We have two out of four classes together." Billy says looking at their schedules "you have the other two with Stu and Randy." He added. Scarlet kept looking around feeling like she was being watched, but she didn't see anyone. Stu saw Scarlets discomfort and kept his guard up he looked down the hall to see Himbry standing there looking at the group of friends, well more specifically Scarlet. "Creep 12 o'clock." Stu said only loud enough for Billy and Scarlet to hear. Billy glared at Himbry putting an arm around Scarlet pulling her into him as Stu stood in front of the couple well more so in front of Scarlet so she was out of view. The bell rang "see you in second SAW." Stu said as he led Tatum to their class waving as they left. Billy led Scarlet past Himbry putting himself in between the two, they made it past and up the stairs to their class. Billy stopped them outside of their class "I love you and I'm going to protect you." He said kissing her quickly before leading her into the class sitting down next to her. The day was going by without any trouble or problems Scarlet had either Billy or Stu with her at all times she didn't really mind though. Stu and Scarlet were making their way out to the fountain to meet up with everyone else, Scarlet smiled as she saw Billy already there and walked over to him sitting down in front of him. Stu sat beside Tatum, "is it just me or is Himbry more creepy this year?" Tatum asks as she cuddled into Stu. Scarlet nodded her head as she leaned back into Billy, "yes, but again he's always been a creepy guy." She said with bitterness in her voice, Tatum looked at her "you okay Scar?" She asks Scarlet looked at Billy who nodded his head "he hurt me." She said keeping it simple as the bell rang for them to get to class. Tatum sat there for a minute as Stu, Scarlet and Billy left "He wouldn't have assaulted her right?" She mumbled to herself as she stood up walking to her own class. Scarlet and Stu made it to their third class seeing Randy sitting in the middle waving at them, Scarlet lead them to the two seats behind the boy as the teacher walked in "good afternoon class, Mr Himbry will be coming into class shortly to talk to you all about a few changes that will be happening this year. So please just work on these hand outs while we wait for him." Ms Underwood said as she handed the papers to the kids in the front to pass back. Scarlet turned to look at Stu "I can't be here." She whispered to him, "I'll create a distraction, you sneak to Billy's class." He whispers before he threw himself out of his desk yelling holding his hand. Scarlet watched as the teacher went pale as she saw blood starting to drip out. She snuck out and toward Billy’s class down the hall not noticing the footsteps behind her. Scarlet was about to make it to the class but a hand wrapped itself around her arm pulling her into another hallway, she screamed as a hand went to her mouth "Shut your slut mouth." A voice sneered. Scarlet looked at the person in front of her, her blood running cold as she saw the man that had hurt her "wh-what do you want?" She asked him, seeing him smirk, "I just wanted to check up on you, Miss Walker." He chuckled, "wanted to make sure you haven't told anyone about what happened." He added glaring at her and she shook her head "I haven't told anyone." She lied praying someone would come down the hall, as if by a miracle she heard footsteps coming towards them. She smiled seeing Billy coming towards them "hey I've been looking for you." He said pulling her away from the man "Mr Loomis aren't you supposed to be in class?" Mr Himbry asked "well sir, I forgot that Scarlet gave me her medicine that she has to take every 3 hours." Billy said, grabbing a pill bottle out of his bag. Scarlet smiled "thanks Billy, I totally forgot." She said leaning over and kissing the boy's cheek. The two teens walked away Billy keeping Scarlet in front of him, he walked them out of the school "did he say anything?" He asked her as he looked her over "better yet did he do anything?" He asked as Scarlet looked at him "he called me a slut, he asked if I had told anyone. I lied obviously." She replied placing her hand on his cheek "he didn't have the chance to do anything. Thank to you." She said kissing him. Billy and Scarlet sat outside not caring that they'll both get into trouble for missing class. Soon the bell rang for the end of the day and Stu came running out of the school with his hand bandaged "what the hell did you do?" Billy asked jestering to the bandage "distraction." Stu chuckled "and I see it worked." He said but frowned when Scarlet shook her head "not quite, Himbry followed me. But Billy saved me." She said as the three got into the car.

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