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Billy and Stu knew that they needed to make principal Himbry pay for what he did to Scarlet. The boys sat in Billy’s bedroom after their last exam going over the plan that would start when they went back to school in September. They knew that they would have to be careful since it wasn’t going to be as easy as killing the slut bag whore Maureen Prescott and her little daughter Sidney. Scarlet sat at home, she was feeling weird; she kept replaying what happened to her in her mind she didn’t know what to do, she kept putting smiles on her face for everyone, well everyone other than Billy and Stu. “Scarlet, dinner” her mother called from the kitchen. Scarlet looked at herself in the mirror before leaving her room. She put a fake smile on her face as she made her way down the stairs seeing her parents and older sister Jane waiting for her at the table “took you long enough.” Jane said, rolling her eyes, Scarlet just ignored her sitting down putting food on her plate, slowly picking and eating her food, “how is your girl's summers so far?” her father Patrick asks looking between his daughters Jane grinned “oh Nancy, Leonora and I have so much planned." She gushed to her parents naming off all the things that they were planning. "What about you Scar?" Her mother Linda askes "oh um Billy, Stu, Tatum and I have plans for tons of movie nights and things like that." She shrugged "what about Casey?" Jane asked "Stu and her broke up like last month or something. He's with Tatum and she's with Steve Orth." Scarlet said Jane's eyes grew wide "is that why he broke up with me?" She gasps and starts to cry. Scarlet rolled her eyes "can I be excused?" She asks her parents who just wave her off as they comfort Jane. Scarlet went up to her room, "hey doll, why do you have all these bottles of alcohol." Stu’s voice could be heard coming from her closet as Billy was laying on her bed. "What are you two doing here?" She asked ignoring Stu’s question "well, you weren't answering our calls so we figured we come see if you're okay." Billy said sitting up "now answer the question." He added looking at the girl who looked down "so I can numb my feelings." She said with a shrug. Stu walked out of the closet holding a bottle of jack and a bottle of raspberry vodka. "You know my rule SAW, no one drinks alone." He said trying to hand Billy the bottle of vodka "yeah right fuckrag, hand over the jack." Billy said, grabbing the other bottle. Scarlet smiled at the boys as she locked the door so her parents couldn't come in. The three sat drinking together laughing not caring if her parents could hear them or not. Linda walked up to her younger daughters room knocking on the door trying to open it "Scarlet, we’re taking Jane out for ice cream. Don't burn the house down." She calls through the door. Scarlet looked at Billy and Stu rolling her eyes as they listened to the footsteps going downstairs. "Why do you put up with them?" Stu asks taking a drink of vodka "because I can't move out yet." She says taking the Jack from Billy and taking a big gulp. "Do you think he's done this to other's?" She asks sitting on the floor. "I wish I could tell you no but he's a creep SAW." Stu said hanging upside down off her bed, Billy wasn't really paying attention to the two, he was trying to control the voice in his head that wanted to spill the old man's blood. Stu looked at his best friend seeing the look in his eye "Billy, you good?" He asked nudging the other boy with his hand. Billy snapped out of it "what? Oh I'm fine." He said shoving the taller boy causing Scarlet to giggle. The three finished off both the bottles of alcohol, "you two should probably head out before they get back." Scarlet said standing up heading to the window slightly stumbling a little.

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